The Distribution of Dragonflies And Damselflies (Odonata) in Georgia

Bill Mauffray and Giff Beaton

(Mauffray) International Odonata Research Institute, % Division of Plant Industry
P.0. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL. 32614< >

(Beaton) 320 Willow Glen Dr, Marietta GA 30068

ISSN 1061-3781

Bulletin Of American Odonatology: Vol 9, No 2: pp 21-66

10-June 2005

Modified for the web by Bill Mauffray



We present a list of 173 odonate taxa (170 species) from Georgia.  Four taxa are newly added to the state list: Calopteryx amata,  Argia fumipennis violacea, Enallagma coecum, and Gomphus australis.  Several species listed in recent publications are removed from the list:  Lestes forcipatus, Gomphus crassus, Gomphus septima, Cordulegaster diastatops, Epitheca spinigera, Erythrodiplax umbrata, Ladona exusta, and Libellula jesseana.  Synonyms and unsupportable older species records are discussed.


A comprehensive distributional study of Georgia dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) is presented. Listed are 173 taxa comprising 170 species, including 51 species (53 taxa) of Zygoptera and 120 taxa representing 119 species of Anisoptera. Data was derived from both author’s field studies throughout Georgia between 1995 and 2004, examination of specimen data in several museums, field notes of others, and from literature.

In 1995 a Georgia Dragonfly Survey was organized. A number of field trips were organized to cover many of Georgia’s counties to discover new records. Several Dragonfly Society of the Americas (DSA) regional meetings were held to assist with the survey. The junior author, a resident of Georgia, criss-crossed the state with both net and camera in hand, accumulating over 1500 new records during the study period. Meanwhile the senior author inventoried the collections at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia; the Florida State collection of Arthropods (FSCA) in Gainesville, Florida, and the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) in Washington, DC. Data was also compiled from a number of researchers and an extensive literature review was performed.

A study of references from surrounding states has helped to formulate a better understanding of the distribution of Odonata species within Georgia. References to doubtful records were researched and are presented and a list of species expected in Georgia is discussed. The extensive bibliography includes references from Georgia, as well as those from surrounding states of Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and northern Florida. The results of this 10-year study have helped fill quite a few distributional gaps within Georgia. The Georgia list is now comparable with other eastern states such as Alabama, 173 (Tennessen, et al 1995); Florida, 162 (Dunkle, 1992); New Jersey, 172 (May & Carle, 1996); New York 175 (Donnelly, 1992); Ohio, 156 (Glotzhober, 1995). It is hoped that this list will stimulate continuing studies within Georgia.

 Two web sites (<http://www,> and <>) were established in conjunction with this survey. Both will continue to be maintained in order to provide a vehicle for new records to be posted. Also, an annual summary will be posted in ARGIA, the newsletter of Dragonfly Society of the Americas.

Historical review    Click here to see Spreadsheet of Georgia Odonata history   (not part of printed version)

An extensive study of literature records was performed by the senior author. The historical study of Georgia Odonata has some interesting turns and twists. Several species which were listed during the 19th century have been either synonymized or removed to doubtful status. The earliest records found include 4 taxa listed by Burmeister (1839). During the next 50 years, Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874 & 1875), Rambur (1842) and Selys (1850, 1853, 1854a, 1854b, 1858, 1862, 1876, 1878a, 1876b & 1879) added 71 more taxa and 4 were removed due to synonymy, resulting in 71 taxa on the list by mid 1890. Many of these early records were based on one or only a few specimens.  Some of these records have been cited multiple times over the years leading one to believe that there were many early Georgia records. Several of the doubtful taxa that we have removed in this report refer to a single record made during this period.

Between mid 1890 and 1923, Bradley (1914), Calvert (1893 & 1902, 1913), Davis  (1911), Kirby (1890), Martin (1906) Muttkowski (1910, 1915), Ris (1910 & 1911) and Williamson (1923a, 1923b) added 19 taxa and removed one taxon bringing the total to 88. This cumulative total was increased to 99 by the addition of 11 species by Root (1924).  By 1954 the total increased to 111 as a result of additions by Byers (1927b, 1931 & 1937), Montgomery (1947) Needham & Heywood (1929), Pritchard (1935), Walker (1925 & 1952), Westfall (1943, 1953) and Williamson (1932, 1934). Six were removed during this period.

In 1955, Needham & Westfall added 11 Anisoptera and listed a total 77 Anisoptera from Georgia. The cumulative total of Odonata stood at 122 species. By 1995 the list had grown to 149 with additions from Bick (1978 & 1990), Carle (1979, 1980, 1982), Donnelly (1973), Dunkle (1975, 1983), Garrison (1994a), Gloyd (1968), Kormondy (1960) and Louton (1982). Bennefield (1965), Johnson (1973b) and Westfall and Tennessen (1979) removed three species from the list.

During the Georgia Dragonfly Survey period, which began in 1995, thirty-two additional records were published by Bick (1997), Caldwell (1999), Mauffray (1998, 2003, 2004), Needham, Westfall, and May (1996) and Westfall and May (2000). The senior author, who assisted with the distributional data for both of those publications, provided most of the records in the latter two. One species was removed by Bick (2003). The total was 180 prior to this publication.

Four new taxa are added here: Calopteryx amata, Argia fumipennia violacea, Enallagma coecum, Gomphus australis; and 11 species are removed from the list due to various reasons. With these adjustments the final list stands at 173 taxa representing 170 species. Zygoptera total 53 taxa representing the families: Calopterygidae, Lestidae, Coenagrionidae, and Anisoptera total 80 taxa, including the families Petaluridae, Aeshnidae, Gomphidae, Cordulegastridae, Corduliidae, and Libellulidae.

Physiography of Georgia, and Distribution of Odonata       Maps:   Physiographic 1  - Physiographic 2  - Counties - Rivers

For several reasons, Georgia is ideally located to have a large and diverse odonate fauna. In addition to being the largest state east of the Mississippi (58,910 square miles), its location allows for a unique mix of northern and southern species. Following the scheme of Hodler and Schretter (1986), Georgia has five major physiographic regions or provinces based on a combination of topography, elevation, underlying soils, and predominant vegetation (Fig. 1). The Blue Ridge Mountains reach into the northeast corner of the state, and the Cumberland, or Appalachian, Plateau just brushes the northwest corner. In between the two is the Ridge and Valley Province. The southern border of all three is the Piedmont region, which covers the area south to the Fall Line. The line forms the boundary between the Piedmont and the Coastal Plain. The Coastal Plain covers the remainder of the state, which is almost 40% of the total area of Georgia.

The Blue Ridge Province, which contains all of Georgia’s highest mountains and supports the most northern Odonate fauna, is a group of mountains, ridges, and basins. This is the highest part of the state, ranging from 480m-1410m (1600’ to 4700’), and is the coldest section in Georgia. This region also receives the highest rainfall in Georgia. The habitat consists of high elevation ponds and lakes and associated marshland, and fast cold streams with medium to high gradients. Not surprisingly, this region is the extreme southern terminus for many odonate species’ ranges in eastern North America. One northern species of Zygoptera, Enallagma hageni, occurs in Georgia only in the Blue Ridge. Lestes eurinus is almost restricted to this region, although there are several North Carolina records from the Cumberland Plateau. Archilestes grandis has been found in Georgia only three times outside this region. Within the Anisoptera, the following species are found in Georgia only in the Blue Ridge:  Calopteryx amata,  Gomphus (Hylogomphus) adelphus, Gomphus (Gomphus) quadricolor, Lanthus vernalis, Ophiogomphus edmundo, O. mainensis, Stylurus scudderi, S. spiniceps, and Somatochlora elongata. Several of these species are known from only one or two specimens, as would be expected at the limit of their range. Three other species extend barely west into the northern Ridge and Valley or Cumberland Plateau, but also reach the southwestern limit of their range: Boyeria grafiana and Sympetrum semicinctum and rubicundulum.

The Cumberland Plateau, in the extreme northwest corner of the state, is a fairly high and flat plateau dominated in Georgia by the Lookout and Sand Mountain areas, where elevations range from 240m-550m (800’ to 1800’). This is the remnant of a sandstone plateau, with a limestone valley between the two. This area isn’t as unique in the south as the Blue Ridge, but several species of odonates barely reach the state in this region (or barely into the western edge of the Ridge and Valley). They are Arigomphus villosipes, Dromogomphus spoliatus, Gomphus (Gomphurus) lineatifrons, and Stylurus notatus (one historical record).

The Ridge and Valley Province is situated between these two highland areas. From the edge of the Cumberland Plateau it extends to the east and south from the Tennessee border south to about Cartersville, east to about highway US 411, and west to the Alabama border below the Cumberland Plateau. As the name implies, this is an area of alternating narrow parallel ridges and wide valleys, and is the least “mountain-like” area in the extreme northern part of Georgia. It is also the lowest at 240m-480m (700’ to 1600’), although most of it is on the lower elevation end of that range. In some ways the Ridge and Valley is similar to the first two provinces but in many other ways it more closely resembles the Piedmont to the south. No species are found only in the Ridge and Valley of Georgia, but there are several species that occur only across these three northern regions, which comprise about 15% of the land area of the state. Damselfly species that occur only in these three regions, most of which are at their most southern distribution, are Calopteryx angustipennis, Chromagrion conditum (also a few records in northern Piedmont), and Enallagma aspersum. Anisopterans found only in this northern section are Gomphus (Gomphurus) consanguis, Cordulegaster erronea, and Helocordulia uhleri. Although their ranges are poorly known, three species of River Cruisers may belong to this group in Georgia: Macromia alleghaniensis, M. illinoiensis illinoiensis, and M. margarita.

The Piedmont Region is the next region to the south, and stretches from the Alabama border in the west to the South Carolina border in the east and south to the Fall Line. The term Piedmont comes from an Italian word meaning “Foot of the Mountain,” which describes the northern edge of the Piedmont. The Fall Line is named after the line where rivers passing from the higher elevation of the Piedmont to the lower, flatter Coastal Plain have waterfalls and rapids. This line marks the southern boundary of the Piedmont, and numerous major cities are built along it, including Columbus, Macon, Milledgeville, and Augusta. The Piedmont has some northern features but some southern features also; it is characterized by rolling topography and larger rivers than those in areas to the north, plus a few isolated monadnocks (isolated mountain remnants). Elevations are mostly lower, ranging from 150m (500’) at the Fall Line to 967m (3173’) at Mount Yonah, the tallest monadnock. The average elevation on the northern edge of the Piedmont is 360m (1200’). Temperatures are intermediate for Georgia. A number of species reach their southernmost distribution in the Piedmont, the most notable of which are Aeshna umbrosa, Gomphus (Gomphurus) rogersi, Gomphus (Hylogomphus) parvidens, Ophiogomphus incurvatus, Stylogomphus albistylus, Stylurus laurae, and Somatochlora tenebrosa. The latter two species have been found south of the Piedmont in nearby states, and we expect to find a few in south Georgia as well. Many species also reach their most northern or western limit in the Piedmont, which in many cases is the farthest inland they reach anywhere in their range. These include Gomphaeschna antilope, Aphylla williamsoni and Orthemis ferruginea (the latter two species extending their ranges into the southern Piedmont in recent years).

Along much of the Fall Line is a series of deep sand ridges forming the Fall Line Sandhills. This area is the border between the lower elevation, marine sediments making up the Coastal Plain and the rockier, older Piedmont; it was the ocean shoreline during the Mesozoic Era. One species found only in the Sandhills so far is Enallagma davisi; we do not expect it to be found anywhere else in the state. A couple of other species may be mostly restricted to this region also: Gomphus (Gomphus) diminutus (only one record near Augusta, at the westernmost limit of its range) and Nannothemis bella. Also in this restricted habitat (only in Taylor County so far) is a puzzling group of Gomphus (Hylogomphus) geminatus records, well away from its known range on the Gulf Coast. Further study is planned to search for records of this species in between these two areas.

South of the Fall Line lies the Coastal Plain Region, bordered by Alabama on the west, Florida to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean or the Savannah River next to South Carolina on the eastern border. The Coastal Plain is fairly flat and warm, ranging from sea level to 150m (500’), and has larger rivers with attendant wide areas of floodplain. Several clubtails are found most commonly along these rivers, such as Gomphus (Gomphurus) dilatatus and hybridus. There are actually two slightly different coastal plains in Georgia: the Atlantic Coastal Plain includes all river basins emptying into the Atlantic, and the Gulf Coastal Plain includes all river basins emptying into the Gulf of Mexico (mostly southwestern Georgia). The Okefenokee divides the two, with rivers flowing from it in both directions. Most of the species of interest in this region are those that reach their northernmost points here, and many of these have a mostly Florida range. Some barely reach Georgia at all, such as Enallagma coecum, E. pollutum, and Gynacantha nervosa. Other notable odonate examples include Enallagma pallidum, Triacanthagyna trifida, Arigomphus pallidus, Gomphus australis, Epitheca semiaquea, E. sepia, E. stella, Celithemis amanda and Miathyria marcella. Two species are found either immediately along the coast (Erythrodiplax berenice) or along the coast and slightly inland (Libellula needhami).


George and the late Juanda Bick inventoried the FSCA collection and provided personal data, moral support, and the foundation and motivation to undergo this study. Nancy Adams assisted in inventorying the NMNH collection. Cecil Smith provided access to the University of Georgia collection in Athens Ga. The late Dr. Minter J. Westfall Jr. provided additional moral support as well as specimens from several counties. Additional specimen, dates and photographic records were provided by many others during the study including but not limited to: Peter Allen, Robert Behrstock, Thomas Donnelly, Sid Dunkle, Jerrell Daigle, Sandy Garrett, Alan Harvey, Steve and Mary Jane Krotzer, Steve Parrish, Dennis Paulson, David Small, Dirk Stevenson, Ken Tennessen, Linden Trial, Michael Veit, Minter J. Westfall Jr., and especially Marion Dobbs; plus excellent photographic data from James Flynn, Francis Michael Stiteler, Rusty Trump and others who attended the DSA gatherings. Thanks to Ken Tennessen for reviewing the final draft and making some valuable suggestions. Special recognition to Esther Mauffray, the senior author’s wife who was very patient during the final writing of this study, and to Becky Beaton, wife of the junior author and highly tolerant and supportive during many years of studying Georgia Odonates.


The families are listed after Garrison (1997-2004) and all matters of nomenclature are based on his 2004 revision. We differ only by not differentiating the two subspecies of Epitheca (Epicordulia) princeps. The species are listed in alphabetical order followed by the common name adopted by the Dragonfly Society of the Americas (DSA).  The first record is marked with an “*.” Previous “state only” records are listed first in chronological order. These include literature references that list only Georgia with no county or locality records.  If Georgia is included in a range description (i.e. Florida to Maryland) the reference is not cited. If Georgia is named in the range description (ie, Georgia to Maryland) then the record is included. If a range map covered a portion of Georgia, the reference is not included; however if the map is a dot map, such as Louton (1982) or Donnelly (2004a, 2004b & 2004c), and shows explicit Georgia records, then it is considered a valid reference for the state. To save space the following citations are abbreviated: Georgia Water Quality Control Board (1971) is GWQ (1971), Needham and Westfall (1955) is N&W (1955); Needham, Westfall & May (2000) is NW&M (2000) and Westfall and May (1996) is W&M (1996).

County records follow and are listed alphabetically, each with codes (see legend below) and/or literature references. A county map is provided (Fig. 2). Records from multiple sources are listed. In some cases a multiple-record reference may refer to the same specimen which was cited in the literature and then again in a particular collection. The authors collected many of the specimens upon which the FSCA, IORI, and NMNH records are based.  Multiple references better support the validity of records, especially if one or more of the records was a sight record. A brief note about the species habitat with regards to Georgia is included followed by the earliest and latest recorded or known dates for adults enclosed in brackets. 

Legend: codes within parentheses ( ).


 "*" = first published record; pers.  comm.= personal communication


AH1= Alan Harvey, pers.  comm. (GDS 2001 notes)

AH2= Alan Harvey, pers.  comm. (GDS 2002 notes)

AH3= Alan Harvey, pers.  comm. (GDS 2003 notes)

 BB= Bob Barber, pers.  comm.

DB42= Borror, 1942

Br14= Bradley, 1914

Bu39= Burmeister, 1839

By27c= Byers, 1927c

By31= Byers, 1931

By39= Byers, 1939

Ca04= Calvert, 1904

Ca12= Calvert, 1912

Ca13= Calvert, 1913

Ca79= Carle, 1979

Ca80= Carle, 1980

Ca82= Carle, 1982

Ca83= Carle, 1983

Ca98= Calvert, 1898

Ca99= Caldwell, 1999

CC89c= Cook, 1989c

CJ72= Johnson, 1972

CJ73a= Johnson, 1973a

CJ73b= Johnson, 1973b

CJ74= Johnson, 1974

Cr55b= Cross, 1955b

Da11= Davis, 1911

DC89b= Cuyler, 1989b

DP= Dennis Paulson, pers.  comm.

DG= David Gottleib, pers.  Comm.

DG40= Gloyd, 1940

DG68= Gloyd, 1968

DS= Dirk Stevenson, pers.  comm.

DS2= Dirk Stevenson, 2002 records

DT94= Donnelly & Tennessen ,1994

ET= Eran Tomer, photo 2004

FS2= Francis Michael Stiteler, photos with data 2002

FSCA= FSCA/IORI collections, Gainesville, FL

GB= Giff Beaton, photos and data 2000 and earlier

GB1= Giff Beaton, photos and data from 2001

GB2= Giff Beaton, photos and data from 2002

GB3= Giff Beaton, photos and data from 2003

GB4= Giff Beaton, photos and data from 2004

GB5= Giff Beaton, photos and data from 2005

GBi= Bick, pers.  comm.

GBi03= Bick, 2003

GBi78= Bick, 1978

GBi83b= Bick, 1983b

GBi90= Bick, 1990

GBi97= Bick, 1997

GDS3 =Gerogia Dragonfly survey SE DSA Meeting, 22-24 May, 2003.

GWQ71= Georgia Water Quality Board 1971

Ha61= Hagen, 1861

Ha63= Hagen, 1863

Ha74= Hagen, 1874

Ha75= Hagen, 1875

JB3= Jeff Biller, pers.  comm.  2003

JD= Jerrell Daigle, pers.  comm.

JD92b= Daigle, 1992b

JF= James Flynn, photos with data 2002 and earlier

JF3= James Flynn, photos and data from 2003

Ko60= Kormondy, 1960

KP87= Kondratieff & Pyott, 1987

KT= Ken Tennessen, pers.  comm.

KT77= Tennessen, 1977

KT98= Tennessen, 1998

Lo82= Louton, 1982

LT= Linden Trial, pers.  comm.  2004

MD3= Marion Dobbs, photos and data from 2003

MD4= Marion Dobbs, photos and data from 2004

Mu15= Muttkowski, 1915

MV3= Michael Veit, pers.  comm.  2003

MW41= Westfall, 1941

MW43= Westfall, 1943

MW9= Westfall, Coll in 1997-1998, specimens in FSCA

OO= Odes of Okefenokee (web site); Dave Small, 2003

PA= Peter Allen, pers.  comm., 1993-95 records

Pr35= Prichard, 1935

RB3= Robert Behrstock, pers.  comm.  2003

RB= Robert Behrstock, pers.  comm.  1998

RG94a= Garrison, 1994a

RG94b= aGarrison, 1994b

Ro24= Root, 1924

RT= Rusty Trump, photos from 2002

RW67= Roback & Westfall, 1967

SD= Sid Dunkle, pers.  comm.

SD00= Dunkle, 2000

SD75= Dunkle, 1975

SD83= Dunkle, 1983

Se53= Selys, 1853

Se62= Selys, 1862

Se76= Selys, 1876

SG3= Sandy Garrett, pers.  comm.  2003

Sh30= Shortess, 1930

SK= Steve & Mary Jane Krotzer, pers.  comm..

SK3= Steve Krotzer, pers.  comm.  2003

SK4 =Steve Krotzer, pers.  comm.  2004

SP= Steve Parrish, pers.  comm.  2004

SR= Steven Roble, pers.  comm.

Ta67= Tai, 1967

TD= Thomas Donnelly, pers.  comm.

TD73= Donnelly, 1973

UG= University of Georgia Collection, Athens, GA.

UN= US Museum of Natural History, Washington , DC.

Wa25= Walker, 1925

Wa52= Walker, 1952

Wi14= Williamson, 1914

Wi23a= Williamson,1923a

Wi23b= Williamson, 1923b

Wi32= Williamson, 1932

Wi34= Williamson, 1934

WM03= Mauffray, 2003

WM04= Mauffray, 2004

WM95= Westfall & Mauffray, 1995

WM95a= Mauffray, 1995a

WM98= Mauffray, 1998

WMC= Mauffray collection (many now in FSCA, IORI, LSU, and NMNH)



Calopteryx amata (Hagen, 1889). Superb Jewelwing. State: Donnelly (2004c)*.

Union (SD).

The Union County record is: Toccoa River at Forest Road 69, female, 22 Aug 1985, Sid Dunkle. [Only date recorded: Aug 22].

Calopteryx angustipennis (Selys, 1853). Appalachian Jewelwing. State: Selys (1853*, 1854a, 1859, 1879a) also as elegans, Hagen (1861, 1863, also as C. splendens, 1874, 1875, 1889), Kirby (1890) as Agrion elegans, Banks (1892), Montgomery (1947), Johnson (1974), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), W&M (1996), Tennessen (1998), Donnelly (2004c).

Dade (GDS3), Gilmer? (Se53* type), Murray (UG, UN, KT, SK, KT98, WMC, GB4), Walker (GDS3).

All records prior to 1996 refer to the single Selys (1853) type specimen record. Johnson (1974) discussed the locality data from Selys’ specimen (collected by John Abbot in the 1700s). Johnson concluded the specimen was from either Burke or Screven County, since there is a “Brier” Creek running through those counties. The Delorme Georgia Atlas & Gazetteer (1998) lists a “Brier Creek” which begins near Thompson, Georgia and runs southeasterly through Burke and Screven Counties into the Savannah River about 30 miles upstream from Savannah, Georgia. Williamson (1932) describes Brier Creek in detail (see Stylurus laurae); this area contains unlikely habitat for this species.  Johnson (1974) says its range “correlates largely with mountain or up-land type streams.” Hagen (1861) listed it from “Brier Creek” but Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875, 1889) listed it from “Briar Creek.” To further confuse the issue, Selys (1879a) lists it from “Brien” Creek. Delorme (1998) also lists “Briar Creek” in Gilmer County south of Cherry Log off of US 76. It is more likely that the specimen came from this area. It is uncommon in cold streams in far north Georgia [Apr 18 - Jun 26].

Calopteryx dimidiata Burmeister, 1839. Sparking Jewelwing. State: Selys (1854a*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875, 1889), Banks (1892), Calvert (1906), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (CJ73b, UG), Berrien (GB3), Bibb (CJ73b), Brantley (CJ73b), Burke (By31, CJ73b, UN, Wi34 as apicale), Charlton (Br14 as apicale), Chatham (GB), Clarke (UG), Clinch (WMC), Coffee (CJ73b), Colquitt (CJ73b), Crawford (UG, UN), Decatur (CJ73b), Dooly (By31), Echols (WMC), Effingham (UG),  Elbert (GB), Evans (DP), Floyd (MD4), Gordon (UN), Gwinnett (By31, CJ73b), Haralson (MD4), Harris (UG), Houston (UG), Jefferson (CJ73b, Wi34 as apicale), Lee (CJ73b), Lowndes (CJ73b), Morgan (UG, UN), Peach (UG), Pickens (UG), Pierce (CJ73b), Rabun (MD4), Randolph (GB2), Schley (GB3, UG), Sumter (UG), Taliaferro (GB), Tattnall (DS), Taylor (JD, RB3, UG), Telfair (DP), Tift (GB3), Walton (UG), Ware (CJ73b), Wayne (By31, CJ73b), Whitfield (UG), Wilkinson (DP).

Fairly common in sandy streams; uncommon in small rivers statewide. It is more common below the fall line but rare in the northern parts of the state. [April 3 - Sep 22].

Calopteryx maculata (Beauvois, 1805). Ebony Jewelwing. State: Selys (1854a*), Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875, 1889), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (DP), Bartow (GB, UG, WMC), Burke (Wi34), Butts (MD4), Calhoun (MV3), Catoosa (GB2), Charlton (Br14, OO), Chattooga (GB, UG), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (CJ74, UG), Cobb (GB), Coffee (DP), Columbia (UN), Dade (GB2), Decatur (UG), Dooly (By31, CJ74), Echols (WMC), Elbert (GB), Fannin (GB), Floyd (UG), Forsyth (UN), Franklin (WMC), Fulton (HS4), Gilmer (MD4), Gordon (UG, UN), Habersham (GBi), Haralson (GB2), Harris (GB1, UG), Heard (GB2), Houston (UG), Jackson (UG), Jasper (GB2), Jefferson (By31, CJ74, Wi34), Jones (WMC), Lamar (UG), Lee (CJ74, Ro24), Lowndes (UG), McDuffie (Wi34), Meriwether (MD4), Mitchell (JF4), Murray (GB, KT, UN, WMC), Newton (LT), Oconee (MD3), Oglethorpe (UG), Paulding (GB), Pickens (GB), Pike (MD4), Polk (UG, UN), Rabun (CJ74), Richmond (UN), Rockdale (GB), Sumter (UG, UN), Talbot (GB2), Taliaferro (GB), Taylor (JD, RB3), Tift (UG), Towns (UG), Union (UG), Upson (GB1, GB2), Walker (GDS3), Wayne (By31, CJ74), Webster (UG), White (KT, Wi34), Whitfield (Ha61, UN), Wilkes (Wi34), Wilkinson (DP).

Common statewide, mostly in small streams but can be found in almost any habitat. [Apr 8 - Oct 22].

Hetaerina americana (Fabricius, 1798). American Rubyspot. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (CJ73a*, UG), Carroll (GB), Catoosa (GB), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB2), Coweta (GB), Dade (GB2), Floyd (GB2), Fulton (HS4), Gordon (MD4), Laurens (GB), Madison (CJ73a*), Monroe (CJ73a*), Oconee (UG), Paulding (MD4), Pike (CJ73a, UG), Polk (GB2), Rockdale (CJ73a*, UG), Talbot (GB2), Towns (GB4), Upson (GB1, GB2), Walton (CJ73a*, UG).

Uncommon in streams above the fall line. [May 19 - Oct 2].

Hetaerina titia (Drury, 1773). Smoky Rubyspot. State: Selys (1853*, 1854a), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875) and Banks (1892) as H. septentrionalis and H. tricolor, Kirby (1890) as H. septentrionalis, Calvert (1893, 1906) as H. tricolor, Muttkowski (1910) also as H. limbata and H. septentrionalis, W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bibb (CJ73a), Brantley (CJ73a), Burke (CJ73a, UN, Wi34), Charlton (Br14, also as tricolor), Clinch (UG), Coweta (GB2), Decatur (CJ73a, UG), Early (GB4), Emanuel (MD4), Floyd (By31, CJ73a), Gilmer (GB3), Gordon (MD4), Haralson (GB2), Heard (GB2), Houston (GB3), Jeff Davis (MD4), Laurens (GB3), Lee (GB2), Long (GB4), McDuffie (CJ73a, Wi34), Montgomery (MD4), Paulding (MD4), Pierce (CJ73a), Schley (GB4), Tattnall (GB1), Telfair (MD3),Twiggs (GB3), Union (CJ73a, Wi34).

Uncommon throughout the state, in moving water, medium-sized streams to large rivers. [May 14 - Nov 4].


Archilestes grandis (Rambur, 1842) Great Spreadwing. State: Donnelly (2004c).

Clarke (UG), DeKalb (ET), Fulton (DG, HS4), Hall (Ca99*), Rabun (GB3), White (Dana Denson per. comm.).

Rare, recorded only in the northeast part of the state, near streams. [Aug 10 - Nov 3].

Lestes australis Walker,1952. Southern Spreadwing. Previously known as L. disjunctus australis (Donnelly, 2003). State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Baldwin (UG), Bibb (UG), Bulloch (DP), Camden (UN), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GB3), Cook (WA52*), Dade (GDS3), Dooly (GB2), Dougherty (UG), Echols (GB3), Evans (WMC, KT), Floyd (MD4), Glynn (WMC), Houston (WA52*), Lamar (UG), Laurens (GB2, GB3), Long (GB3, WMC), Murray (WMC), Paulding (GB, GB1), Tattnall (WMC), Telfair (WMC), Tift (UG, WA52*), Toombs (KT), Walker (GDS3), Wheeler (DP).

Common at ponds, lakes and marshes throughout the state. [Apr 1 - Nov 13].

Lestes eurinus  Say, 1839. Amber-winged Spreadwing. State: Donnelly (2004c).

Dade (WM04*). 

So far known from only the one pond record in extreme northwest Georgia: Trenton, Cloudland Canyon State Park, pond, 34°49.58’N  85°28.61’WMC, 23 May 2003, 1 male. Coll. G. Beaton [Only date recorded: May 23].

Lestes inaequalis Walsh, 1862. Elegant Spreadwing. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Clarke (UG), Early (MV3), Habersham (J), Morgan (MV3, DP), Murray (GB3), Richmond (UN), Wayne (DP), Wilcox (GB2).

Uncommon to rare, scattered throughout the state in marshes [Apr 11 - Sep 2].

Lestes rectangularis Say,1839. Slender Spreadwing. State: Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Montgomery (1948), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Catoosa (H), Chatham (Ha61*, Ha63, Se62), Dade (GDS3), Floyd (MD4), Gilmer (GB3), Lee (Ro24), McDuffie (Wi34), Paulding (GB, GB1), Tattnall (UN) Toombs (UN), Towns (KT), Wayne (DP), White (SD83), Whitfield (Ha74).

Uncommon to rare, scattered throughout the state in ponds, marshes, and slow streams. [May 6 - Sep 28].

Lestes vidua Hagen, 1861. Carolina Spreadwing. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Bibb (UG), Early (GB3), Gwinnett (GB2), Laurens (GB2), Wheeler (FSCA).

Rare throughout state at ponds except absent from north Georgia, perhaps overlooked. [Mar 14 - Oct 4].

Lestes vigilax Hagen in Selys, 1862. Swamp Spreadwing. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (MD4, DP), Bartow (MD4), Bulloch (DP), Burke (UN, Wi34), Carroll (GB3), Catoosa (GB2), Charlton (UG, PA), Chattooga (MD4), Colquitt (MD4), Dade (GDS3, GB2), DeKalb (UG), Emanuel (GB4), Floyd (MD4), Gordon (MD4), Gwinnett (PA), Habersham (GBi), Jones (WMC), Laurens (GB1, GB4, PA, WMC), Lee (Ro24*), Long (DP), Lumpkin (WMC), McDuffie (UN, Wi34), Morgan (MD4), Murray (WMC), Oglethorpe (UG), Rabun (GB3), Sumter (GB2, RB), Taliaferro (GB2), Taylor (GB3), Thomas (UN), Towns (KT), Treutlen (MD4), Walker (GDS3), Ware (RB, UG), Wayne (DP).

Fairly common throughout the state at marshes, ponds, and lakes. [Apr 4 - Nov 15]


Amphiagrion saucium (Burmeister, 1839). Eastern Red Damsel. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (GB1), Burke (GB3), Lumpkin (UG), Meriwether  (UG), Murray (SK), Richmond (FSCA), Talbot (JD).

Uncommon in very small streams and seeps above the fall line. [Apr 13 - May 13]

Argia apicalis (Say, 1839). Blue-fronted Dancer. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (CJ72), Baldwin (UN), Bartow (GB1, UN), Ben Hill (GB1), Bibb (UG), Brantley (CJ72), Brooks (GB1), Burke (By31), Carroll (GB, UN, WMC), Catoosa (GB), Charlton (UG), Clarke (UG), Cook (GB1), Coweta (GB), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GDS3), Decatur (UG, UN), Dooly (By31), Dougherty (RW67), Douglas (GB), Early (GB3, SK4), Emanuel (GB1), Fannin (UN), Fayette (KT), Floyd (GB, GB1, By31), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB3), Gordon (GB2), Grady (GB1), Greene (MD4), Habersham (GBi, GB1, UN), Harris (GB), Heard (GB2), Jeff Davis (MD4), Jefferson (UN), Jones (GBi), Lamar (GB), Laurens (By31, GB1, UN), Lee (CJ72, Ro24), Lowndes (CJ72), McDuffie (Wi34), Meriwether (GB1), Miller (GB), Mitchell (CJ72, UN), Monroe (MD3), Montgomery (GB1, GB2), Morgan (MV3), Paulding (GB2), Pickens (MD4), Pierce (WMC), Polk (GB, GB2), Putnam (CJ72, UG, WMC), Rabun (GBi), Richmond (UN), Screven (CJ72), Stephens (GBi, GB2, UN), Sumter (RB), Tattnall (UN), Telfair (DP), Toombs (UN), Treutlen (GB1), Twiggs (GB3), Washington (MD4), Wheeler (GB1), White (GB1), Whitfield (UG).

Common across the state at rivers and large streams, rarely at lakes. [Apr 21 - Oct 2]

Argia bipunctulata (Hagen, 1861). Seepage Dancer. State: Hagen (1861 type*, 1863, 1874), Selys (1865), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Burke (GB3, Wi34), Cobb (GB), Crawford (UG), Habersham (GBi, UN), Jefferson (By31), Lee (Ro24), Paulding (GB2), Richmond (UG), Taylor (GB3).

Uncommon, local; scattered across the state at seeps, marshy edges and wet grassy areas [May 16 - Sept 26]

Argia fumipennis atra Gloyd, 1968. Black Dancer. State: Donnelly (2004c).

Charlton (DG68*).

Rare in extreme southeast Georgia at lakes, ponds and rivers. [No date information].

Argia f.  fumipennis (Burmeister, 1839). Smoky-winged Dancer. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874), Selys (1865), Banks (1892), Calvert (1902), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Gloyd (1968), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (UG), Baker (UN), Bibb (UG), Bryan (UN), Burke (GB2, UN, Wi34), Carroll (GB, WMC), Charlton (UG), Chattahoochee (DP), Chattooga (GDS3), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB), Coffee (DP), Coweta (GB2, UG), Crawford (GB, UG, UN), Dade (GDS3), DeKalb (UG, UN), Dooly (By31), Early (GB2, UG), Elbert (GB), Fayette (KT), Franklin (WMC), Fulton (HS4), Gordon (GB2), Grady (UN), Gwinnett (By31, GB), Habersham (GBi, UN), Haralson (WMC), Harris (GB1), Houston (UG, UN), Jasper (GB2), Jefferson (UG, Wi34), Jenkins (UG), Jones (WMC), Laurens (GB1), Lee (Ro24), Lowndes (UG), Marion (JF3), McDuffie (UN, Wi34), Meriwether (GB1, GB2), Monroe (GBi), Morgan (UG), Oglethorpe (UG), Paulding (GB2), Peach (UG), Pickens (GB), Polk (GB2), Pulaski (UN), Rabun (GB3), Richmond (GBi, UG, UN ), Rockdale (GB), Schley (GB3), Stephens (GB2), Sumter (MD4, RB), Taliaferro (GB2), Tattnall (UG, WMC), Taylor (GB3, RB3, SG3, UG, UN), Telfair (DP, UG), Thomas (UG), Tift (GBi), Troup (GB), Walker (GDS3), Washington (UG), Wayne (DP), Wilkinson (DP).

Common below the middle Piedmont at lakes, ponds and rivers.  Gloyd (1968) found 1 from Charlton intermediate with A. f. atra.  [Apr 11 - Oct 27]

Argia f. violacea (Hagen, 1861)* Violet Dancer. State: Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (UG, UN ), Catoosa (MD4), Chattooga (GDS3), Clarke (UG), Dawson (GB4, MMW9), Fannin (UN), Floyd (MD4), Gilmer (GB3), Gordon (UN), Habersham (GB1), Hall (FSCA, MMW9), Murray (JD, UN), Paulding (GB1), Polk (GB2), Union (GB1, GB3), Walker (GDS3), White (GB1), Whitfield (GB2, UG).

All published records list this as a species; we follow Gloyd’s (1968) assignment as a subspecies.  It is common from the middle Piedmont north, at lakes, ponds and rivers. Intermediates with A. f. fumipennis are uncommon throughout north Georgia. [May 17 - Oct 8]

Argia moesta (Hagen, 1861). Powdered Dancer. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (GB2), Bartow (GB1, MD4), Brantley (DP), Brooks (GB1), Burke (GB2, Wi34), Butts (WMC), Carroll (GB), Catoosa (GB), Chattahoochee (UG), Cherokee (UG), Clinch (WMC), Cobb (GB2), Dade (GB2), Decatur (UG, UN), DeKalb (UN), Dooly (By31), Dougherty (RW67), Early (SK4, MD4), Echols (GB4, MD4), Effingham (GB2), Floyd (GB1), Gilmer (GB), Gordon (GB2, UG), Grady (GB1, UG), Gwinnett (By31), Habersham (UN), Haralson (GB2, MD4), Harris (UG), Heard (GB2), Houston (UN), Jeff Davis (MD4), Jefferson (GB2), Lee (GB2, Ro24*), Long (GB4), Lowndes (MD4), Macon (GB2), McDuffie (Wi34), Mitchell (GB2), Monroe (MD3), Montgomery (GB1, GB2), Murray (UN), Paulding (GB1), Peach (UG), Pierce (JF4), Polk (GB2), Quitman (GB2), Randolph (GB2), Richmond (UN), Screven (DP), Sumter (GB2), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (DS, GB4), Telfair (DP), Terrell (UG), Twiggs (GB3), Upson (GB1), Walker (GDS3), Walton (UG), Ware (RB), Wayne (DP), Wheeler (GB1), Whitfield (MD3), Wilcox (GB2).

Common throughout the state at rivers and large streams, uncommon at smaller streams. [May 11 - Nov 3]

Argia sedula (Hagen, 1861). Blue-ringed Dancer. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (GB2),  Berrien (GB3), Butts (WMC), Catoosa (GB), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (UG), Coffee (GB3), Coweta (UG), Dade (GB2), Decatur (UG, UN), DeKalb (UN), Early (GB2, GB3), Fayette (KT), Floyd (GB2), Gordon (GB2), Habersham (UN), Haralson (GB2), Heard (GB2), Jackson (UN), Jeff Davis (MD4), Jones (GBi), Lee (GB2, Ro24*), Long (GB4), McDuffie (Wi34), Monroe (GB3, MD3), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (DP), Paulding (GB2), Polk (GB2), Screven (DP), Sumter (RB), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (GB4), Telfair (GB3, MD3), Tift (GB3), Walker (GDS3), Wheeler (GB1), Whitfield (MD3).

Common at rivers and streams throughout the state except uncommon in the eastern coastal plain, and rare at ponds. [Apr 18 - Oct 11]

Argia tibialis (Rambur, 1842). Blue-tipped Dancer. State: Hagen (1863*) as A. fontium, (1874), Selys (1865), (Banks (1892), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (WMC), Baker (MV3), Bartow (GB1, UN), Berrien (GB3), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB, DP), Brooks (GB1), Burke (By31, Wi34), Butts (WMC), Calhoun (UG), Catoosa (GB2), Charlton (DP), Chatham (GB), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB2), Clayton (UG), Clinch (TD, WMC), Cobb (GB, GB1), Coffee (DP), Columbia (UN), Cook (GB1), Coweta (GB2), Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Decatur (UG, UN ), DeKalb (UG), Dooly (By31), Dougherty (GB2), Early (GB3, SK4), Echols (WMC), Effingham (GB2), Emanuel (GB1, GB4), Floyd (By31), Franklin (UG, WMC), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB2), Grady (UN), Haralson (GB2), Harris (UG), Houston (UG, UN), Jackson (UN), Jefferson (By31, GB2, UG, Wi34), Jones (WMC), Lanier (UG, UN), Laurens (By31, UN, WMC), Lee (Ro24), Lowndes (UG, WMC), Macon (GB2), McDuffie (Wi34), Mitchell (GB2), Morgan (MV3), Newton (UG), Paulding (GB2), Pulaski (UN, WMC), Quitman (GB2), Schley (RB3, UG, UN), Screven (DP), Sumter (RB, UG, UN), Taylor (GB3, RB3, UG, UN), Telfair (WMC), Terrell (UG), Thomas (UG, UN), Tift (GB3), Treutlen (GB1), Walker (GDS3), Wayne (DP), Whitfield (MD3, UG), Worth (UN).

Fairly common across the state, mostly at rivers and streams. [Mar 26 - Oct 13]

Argia translata Hagen in Selys, 1865. Dusky Dancer. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Catoosa (GB), Cobb (GB2), Dade (GB2), Floyd (GB2), Habersham (UN), Haralson (GB2), Heard (GB2), Madison (RG94a*), Meriwether (MD4), Murray (GB2), Pickens (MD4, UG), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Whitfield (UG).

Fairly common on streams and rivers above the fall line; rare south of there, and more common in the northwestern part of the state. [Jun 13 - Sep 19]

Chromagrion conditum (Selys, 1876). Aurora Damsel. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (GB1), Clarke (UG), Crawford (UG), DeKalb (UG), Fannin (UG), Gilmer (WMC), Murray (KT, SK), Rabun (FSCA), Talbot (JD), Walker (GDS3), Whitfield (UG).

Uncommon above the fall line but fairly common in the upper Piedmont and mountains in the marshy edges of ponds and small streams.  [May 2 - Jun 18]

Enallagma aspersum (Hagen, 1861). Azure Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Catoosa (UN), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Dawson (MMW9), Floyd (MD3), Gilmer (GB2), Jasper (GB2), Rabun (GBi), Union (FSCA), Walker (GDS3), Whitfield (GB2).

Uncommon in the mountains and upper Piedmont, mostly at shallow ponds. [May 14 - Aug 29]

Enallagma basidens Calvert, 1902. Double-striped Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (UG), Ben Hill (WMC),  Carroll (GB2), Chattooga (MD4), Clarke (FSCA, UG), Dade (GDS3), Decatur (FSCA), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (WMC), Gwinnett (PA), Hall (FSCA, MW9), Haralson (GB2), Irwin (GB3), Jones (WMC), Lanier (MD4), Long (GB3), Monroe (GB3), Morgan (MV3), Murray (UG), Paulding (GB2), Polk (GB2), Rabun (FSCA), Screven (FSCA), Taliaferro (FSCA), Walker (GB2, MD3), Wilcox (GB2).

Common above the fall line, uncommon below, and rare in the extreme southeast at slow streams, ponds, and lakes.  [Apr 19 - Oct 23]

Enallagma civile (Hagen, 1861). Familiar Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Baker (GB2), Berrien (MD4), Catoosa (UN), Cherokee (GB3), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB3), Clinch (GB3), Coffee (RB), Crisp (GB2, GB4), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Dawson (MW9), Floyd (MD3), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (GB2, GB4), Laurens (GB3), Lee (RB), McDuffie (Wi34*), Meriwether (GB2), Morgan (MV3), Murray (KT),  Paulding (GB2), Rabun (GB4), Richmond (GB1), Union (FSCA), Walker (GDS3), White (GB3), Whitfield (GB2). 

Common throughout the state at any water habitat, especially ponds. [Apr 3 - Nov 29]

Enallagma coecum (Hagen)*. Purple Bluet. State: Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (GB4, MD4), Clinch (TD*), Early (GB4).

Rare in extreme south Georgia where it reaches its northern range limit. Prefers tannic slow streams. The Clinch County record is: Suwanee R. at Fargo, 30°41.0’N 82°33.6’WMC, 2 Apr 2002, 1 pr tandem. Coll. T. Donnelly.  The Early County record is on a small unnamed stream with numerous males found in both 2004 and early 2005. Dunkle (1992) reports it across northern Florida, so it should be found in additional counties in southern Georgia. [Apr 2 - Oct 23]

Enallagma concisum Williamson, 1922. Cherry Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Ben Hill (WMC), Bulloch (DP), Charlton (UG), Fayette (UG), McDuffie (UN, Wi34*), Telfair (GB4, MD4), Treutlen (MD4), Ware (MV3, UG), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon to rare in southeastern Georgia; rare just above the fall line, in shallow ponds. [Apr 4 - Sep 27]

Enallagma daeckii (Calvert, 1903). Attenuated Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Charlton (UG), Coffee (DP), Colquitt (UG), Crawford (UN), Early (MV3), Lee (Ro24*), Lowndes (WMC), Morgan (DP), Murray (MD4), Taylor (MD4), Telfair (GB4, DP), Towns (MD4), Wayne (DP), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon below the fall line at ponds and lakes; rare above the fall line. [Apr 11 - Sep 10]

Enallagma davisi Westfall, 1943. Sandhill Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Taylor (FSCA, GB3), Telfair (GB 2005).

Should be rare at sandy lakes and their outflows in the fall line sandhills or elsewhere in the coastal plain.  It is known from only two counties so far. Dunkle (1992) reports it as “uncommon at sand bottomed lakes across north Florida”. [Mar 14 - Apr 27]

Enallagma divagans Selys, 1876. Turquoise Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Banks (GB1), Charlton (FSCA), Chatham (UG), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clayton (UG), Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (MW9), Fayette (UG), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (WMC), Gilmer (WMC), Greene (UG), Haralson (WMC), Jones (MV3, WMC), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3, UN), Peach (UG), Rabun (FSCA), Richmond (UN), Talbot (JD), Taylor (RB3, UG), Walker (GDS3), Walton (UG).

Uncommon at streams above the fall line, and very rare below. [Apr 18 - Jul 6].

Enallagma doubledayi (Selys, 1850). Atlantic Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Baker (FSCA), Berrien (FS2), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GB3), Dooly (By31), Early (GB4), Effingham (UN), Gwinnett (PA), Laurens (GB2), Lee (Ro24*), Long (GB3, WMC). McDuffie (Wi34), Montgomery (MD4), Morgan (DP), Tattnall (GB4), Wheeler (DP).

Fairly common south of the upper Piedmont at ponds, lakes and slow rivers. It has probably been overlooked.  [Apr 8 - Oct 29]

Enallagma dubium Root, 1924. Burgundy Bluet. State: N&H (1929), Byers (1930), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bacon (MW41), Ben Hill (WMC), Charlton (UG),  Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3), Dooly (UG), Lee (Ro24*), Lowndes (MD4), McDuffie (UN, Wi34), Richmond (UN), Tattnall (GB4), Taylor (GB3), Treutlen (GB3), Walker (GDS3), Wayne (DP).

Uncommon at lakes and ponds below the fall line, rare above. [Apr 4 - Sep 28]

Enallagma durum (Hagen, 1861). Big Bluet. State: W&M(1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Baker (FSCA).

Should be in more counties in extreme southeast near coast, but known only from one county in the southwest. Dunkle (1992) reports it from south of Tallahassee, Florida to north of Jacksonville in brackish habitat. [No date information].

Enallagma exsulans (Hagen, 1861). Stream Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Chattooga (GDS3), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Floyd (MD3), Gordon (UN), Haralson (GB2), Harris (GB1), Polk (GB2), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Walker (GDS3).

A Clinch County record previously reported (Donnelly 2004c) was actually a juvenile E. weewa (Donnelly, pers. comm.).  Fairly common in streams and rivers to just below the fall line.  [Apr 29 - Sep 11]

Enallagma geminatum Kellicott, 1895. Skimming Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Bartow (UG, UN), Ben Hill (GB2), Bulloch (DP), Burke (GB3, Wi34), Carroll (GB2), Coffee (DP), Crawford (UN), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (MW9), Early (GB3), Emanuel (GB4, KT), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (WMC), Gordon (MD4), Haralson (GB2), Houston (UG, UN), Jones (WMC), Laurens (WMC), Lee (Ro24*), McDuffie (Wi34), Paulding (GB3), Polk (GB1), Richmond (UN), Tattnall (WM95a, JD), Taylor (GB3), Walker (GB2), Wheeler (DP), White (GB4).

Fairly common throughout the state at lakes and ponds; rare below the fall line in slow streams. [Mar 17 - Oct 3].

Enallagma hageni (Walsh, 1863). Hagen's Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Rabun (FSCA).

Known only from the extreme northeast part of Georgia: Rabun County, pond 1.1 mi. E of Satolah.   In the FSCA there are 23 males and 1 female from the same locality collected in 1972. This common northern species probably reaches its southern limit in north Georgia. [Jun 12 - Aug 10].

Enallagma pallidum Root, 1923. Pale Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (FSCA), Coffee (DP), Echols (WMC), Effingham (GB2), Emanuel (GB1), Tattnall (GB4).

Rare in the eastern coastal plain at lakes and ponds; very rarely found in slow streams. [May 11 - Jun 13].

Enallagma pollutum (Hagen, 1861). Florida Bluet. State: W&M (1996*), Donnelly (2004c).

Charlton (DP).

It is known only from one record in southeast Georgia, but since Byers (1927c, 1930) reports it from Leon County Florida, it should be found in southwest Georgia also. [No date information].

Enallagma signatum (Hagen, 1861). Orange Bluet. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Muttkowski (1910), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (DP), Bartow (MD4), Ben Hill (GB2, WMC), Brantley (GB4), Brooks (GB1), Burke (Wi34), Butts (WMC), Carroll (GB2, WMC), Catoosa (GB2), Charlton (DP), Clay (GB3), Cook (GB1, GB2),  Dade (GDS3, GB2), Decatur (By27c), Early (GB3, MV3), Emanuel (GB1), Fannin (GB4), Fayette (KT), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (WMC), Fulton (HS4), Gilmer (GB3), Hancock (MD4), Harris (GB1, GB3, MV3), Irwin (GB3), Jeff Davis (JF3), Jones (MV3), Lanier (MD4), Laurens (By31), Lee (Ro24), Long (GB3, DP), Lowndes (MD4), Lumpkin (GB1, MV3), McDuffie (Wi34), Meriwether (GB2), Monroe (GBi, GB2, GB3), Montgomery (GB2), Morgan (UG), Murray (SR), Newton (UG), Paulding (GB), Polk (GB), Rabun (GBi), Richmond (UN), Sumter (RB), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Taliaferro (GB2), Tattnall (GB1), Taylor (GB3), Tift (MD3), Toombs (GB1), Treutlen (GB1), Union (GB3), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Ware (MV3), Washington (MD4), Wayne (GB3,DP).

Common throughout the state at ponds, lakes and streams; uncommon at larger rivers. [Apr 3 - Nov 4].

Enallagma traviatum traviatum Selys, 1876. Slender Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Ben Hill (WMC), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB3), Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3), Fannin (GB4), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (WMC), Gilmer (GB2, GB3), Jones (WMC), Monroe (GB3, MD3), Montgomery (GB2), Rabun (TD73*), Union (GB3), Walker (GDS3), Wilkinson (DP).

Uncommon throughout the state at lakes and ponds, but rare or absent from the deep south and near the coast. [May 15 - Aug 15].

Enallagma vesperum Calvert, 1919. Vesper Bluet. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Brantley (DP), Brooks (GB1), Bulloch (DP), Early (MV3), Floyd (MD4), Harris (GB1), Long (GB3), Lowndes (GB4, MD4), McDuffie (Wi34*), Richmond (UG, UN), Tattnall (KT, SK, JD, WM95a), Taylor (GB3).

Uncommon throughout state at ponds and lakes with lily pads, but probably overlooked due to its crepuscular habits. [Apr 1 - Nov 3].

Enallagma weewa Byers, 1927. Blackwater Bluet. State: Byers (1927b*, 1930), N&H (1929), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (GB4), Berrien (GB3), Brantley (GB4, DP), Charlton (DP, UG), Clinch (TD), Coffee (GB3), Crawford (UG), Evans (DP), Greene (MD4), Lanier (UG, UN), Macon (By27c), McDuffie (UN, Wi34), Oglethorpe (By27c), Richmond (GBi, UN), Tift (GB3), Wayne (DP).

Uncommon below the fall line in tannic rivers and streams. [May 15 - Nov 4]

Ischnura hastata (Say, 1839). (Anomalagrion hastatum of some authors). Citrine Forktail. State: Hagen (1874), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (DP), Bartow (UG), Brantley (BB), Brooks (FSCA, GB1), Bulloch (DP), Burke (Wi34), Calhoun (MV3), Camden (UN), Carroll (GB, GB2), Charlton (Br14, PA, WMC), Chatham (Ha61*), Chattooga (GDS3), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GB3, WMC), Cobb (GB), Coffee (GB3, GB4), Columbia (UN), Cook (MD3), Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Dawson (WMC), Decatur (UG), Early (MV3), Echols (GB4), Emanuel (GB1), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (UG, WMC), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (WMC), Gwinnett (By31, PA), Habersham (UG), Haralson (WMC), Harris (MV3), Irwin (RB), Jones (WMC), Laurens (GB1, WMC), Lee (Ro24, RB3, UG), Long (WMC), Lowndes (UG, WMC), Lumpkin (GB1), McDuffie (UN, Wi34), McIntosh (MV3, DP, UG), Meriwether (GB2), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (DP), Murray (GB3, SK), Polk (GB), Rabun (GB3), Richmond (UN), Stephens (GB2), Tattnall (MV3, WMC), Taylor (GB3, UG, UN), Telfair (WMC), Toombs (KT), Towns (KT), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Wayne (OO, DP), Wheeler (GB1, WMC), Wilcox (GB2), Worth (WMC).

Common throughout the state in grassy areas along ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers. [Mar 13 - Jan 6].

Ischnura kellicotti Williamson, 1898. Lilypad Forktail. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Atkinson (RB), Berrien (GB1), Brooks (GB1), Bryan (GB1), Burke (Wi34*), Butts (MD4), Charlton (OO), Chatham (GB2), Colquitt (MD4), Cook (GB3), Dodge (GB4), Early (GB2), Echols (WMC), Jeff Davis (MD4), Long (DP), Lowndes (GB4, MD3), Meriwether (MD4), Montgomery (GB1), Screven (DP), Sumter (GB2), Tattnall (KT, WM95a), Tift (RB), Treutlen (MD4), Turner (GB3), Wayne (OO), Wheeler (WMC), Wilkinson (GB3).

Fairly common at ponds and lakes with lily pads below the fall line. [Mar 21 - Nov 3].

Ischnura posita (Hagen, 1861). Fragile Forktail. State: Hagen (1874), Banks (1892) as Nehalennia posita, Calvert (1893), Muttkowski (1910), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (GB), Bartow (GB1, UG), Brantley (BB), Brooks (GB1), Bulloch (DP), Burke (Wi34), Butts (MD4), Calhoun (MV3), Candler (GB1), Carroll (GB2, WMC), Catoosa (GB), Chatham (Ha61*, Ha63, Se76), Chattooga (GB, SR), Clarke (UG), Clayton (GB), Cobb (GB), Coffee (DP), Cook (GB1, GB2), Crawford (UG), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Dawson (WMC), Dooly (By31), Douglas (GB), Early (MV3), Echols (GB4), Effingham (GB2), Emanuel (GB1), Fayette (KT, UG), Floyd (GB1), Franklin (UG, WMC), Fulton (HS4), Gilmer (WMC), Grady (GB1), Gwinnett (GB, GB2, PA), Habersham (GBi, UN), Haralson (WMC), Harris (MV3), Irwin (GB1), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (MD4), Jones (MV3, WMC), Lanier (MD4), Laurens (GB1), Lee (Ro24, UG), Liberty (UN), Long (DP), Lowndes UG), Lumpkin (GB1), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (MV3), Meriwether (GB1), Monroe (GB2), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (MV3, DP, UG), Murray (SK, SR, WMC), Newton (UG),  Oglethorpe (UG), Paulding (GB), Polk (GB), Pulaski (MD4), Putnam (UG), Rabun (GBi), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (GB), Stephens (GB2), Sumter (RB), Tattnall (GB4, MV3, WMC), Taylor (UG, UN), Telfair (WMC), Thomas (GB1), Tift (RB), Toombs (GB1, WMC), Truetlen (GB1), Turner (GB3), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Ware (UG), Wayne (DP), Wheeler (GB1, WMC), White (GB3, GB4), Whitfield (Ha61*, Ha63, Se76), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkinson (DP), Worth (WMC).

Common throughout the state near ponds and lakes, and uncommon along streams and rivers. [Mar 1 - Jan 6].

Ischnura prognata (Hagen, 1861). Furtive Forktail. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Glynn (GB3), Lee (Ro24*), Liberty (DS), Long (DS), Tattnall (WM95a), Telfair (WMC), Toombs (WMC), Wayne (DP).

Rare in the southern and eastern coastal plain in seeps and swampy areas. [Mar 14 - Sep 7].

Ischnura ramburii (Selys, 1850). Rambur's Forktail. State: Hagen (1874), Cuyler (1989b), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (GB4), Baker (MV3), Ben Hill (GB2, GB4), Berrien (FS2), Bibb (UG), Brooks (GB1), Bryan (GB, GB1, UN), Carroll (WMC), Charlton (OO, DP), Chatham (GB), Clinch (TD, WMC), Coffee (GB3, RB), Colquitt (MD3), Crisp (GB2, GB4), DeKalb (UG), Effingham (GB2, UN), Evans (GB1), Floyd (MD4), Glynn (GB1, GB4), Grady (GB1), Greene (GB), Gwinnett (PA), Haralson (WMC, GB2), Irwin (GB3, RB), Jasper (GB2), Jefferson (GB2), Jeff Davis (MD4), Lanier (GB3, MD4), Laurens (GB1), Lee (Ro24, RB), Liberty (UG), Long (GB3, BB), Lowndes (MD4), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (MV3, UG), Montgomery (GB1, GB2), Muscogee (GB), Polk (GB), Seminole (GB), Stewart (GB), Taliaferro (GB2), Tattnall (GB4, WMC), Telfair (WMC), Tift (RB), Toombs (GB1), Treutlen (MD4), Turner (WMC),  Union (GB1), Walker (GDS3, MD4), Ware (MV3), Wheeler (DP), Whitfield (Ha61*, Ha63), Worth (WMC).

Common throughout the state at lakes, rivers, and streams; often abundant at ponds. [Mar 21 - Dec 22].

Ischnura verticalis (Say, 1839). Eastern Forktail. State: Selys (1876*), Calvert (1893, 1903a), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Burke (By31), Chattooga (GDS3), Clarke (UG), Clayton (UG), Dade (GB2), Dawson (MW9), DeKalb (UG), Franklin (WMC), Newton (UG), Rabun (GBi, GB4) Stephens (UN), Union (GB3), Walker (GDS3).

Uncommon in north Georgia at lakes; fairly common at shallow ponds; and rare at the same habitats in the Piedmont. [May 23 - Sep 24].

Nehalennia gracilis Morse, 1895. Sphagnum Sprite. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Long (GB3), White (SD83*).

Only known from two records but at opposite ends of the state; possibly rare throughout in small ponds. Donnelly (2004c) shows it from scattered localities across northern Florida, central Alabama, and western North Carolina, so we expect it to be found in more localities in Georgia. [May 8 - May 25].

Nehalennia integricollis Calvert, 1913. Southern Sprite. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Charlton (DP, UN), Clinch (WMC), Coweta (FSCA), Early (FSCA), Fannin (GB3), Laurens (GB4), Lee (Ro24), McDuffie (Wi34), Morgan (DP), Rabun (FSCA), Richmond (SD), Screven (DP), Telfair (MD4), Thomas (Ca13*; type locality: Thomasville), Walker (MD3), Ware (RB, UG), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon throughout the state in marshy or grassy pond and lake edges. [Apr 5 - Sep 28].


Telebasis byersi Westfall, 1957. Duckweed Firetail. State: W&M (1996), Donnelly (2004c).

Appling (GB), Bryan (DS), McIntosh (GBi90*).

Rare in eastern coastal plain in slow margins of rivers, probably overlooked. [Jul 9 - Jul 31].



Tachopteryx thoreyi (Hagen in Selys, 1858). Gray Petaltail. State: Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB1, WMC), Butts (WMC), Carroll (GB2), Cherokee (UG), Clarke (UG), Dawson (GB4), Floyd (MD4), Forsyth (RT), Franklin (WMC), Jackson (UG), Jefferson (UG), Long (GB3), Lumpkin (UG), McIntosh (UG), Monroe (GB4), Morgan (FSCA), Murray (WMC), Paulding (GB),  Rabun (Da11*, UG), Talbot (JD), Walker (MD4), Wayne (DS, GB3), White (UG).

Fairly common at seeps and associated rivers and streams above the fall line and scattered below, probably due to a paucity of suitable habitat. [Apr 12 - Jul 18].


Aeshna umbrosa umbrosa Walker, 1908. Shadow Darner. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Cobb (GB, GB2), Fannin (SD83*, UG), Floyd (GB2), Fulton (UG), Glascock (JF), Hall (D8), Jackson (UG), Murray (GB3), Oconee (UG), Pickens (UN), Towns (D8, UG).

Uncommon from the middle Piedmont north in or near streams and small rivers, rare at ponds. [Aug 21 - Dec 7].

Anax junius (Drury, 1770). Common Green Darner.  State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875, 1890a), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bacon (GB1), Baker (GB2), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB1), Berrien (MD4), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB), Calhoun (MV3), Camden (GB), Carroll (GB), Charlton (OO, PA), Chattooga (GB2, SR), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Clayton (GB), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB), Coffee (GB3), Colquitt (MD4), Coweta (GB), Dade (GDS3), Decatur (UG), DeKalb (GB, UG), Early (MV3), Emanuel (UG), Evans (WMC), Fannin (JB3), Floyd (MD3), Forsyth (GB), Glynn (WMC), Gwinnett (PA), Harris (MV3), Johnson (SD), Jones (MV3), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB, PA), Lee (Ro24, RB3), Lincoln (UG), Long (WMC), Lumpkin (MV3), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (GB, MV3), Meriwether (GB2, MV3), Mitchell (UG), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Murray (SK), Newton (MV3), Oglethorpe (UG), Paulding (GB), Peach (GB, UN), Rabun (GBi, UN), Richmond (SD, UN),  Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Stewart (GB), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (MV3, WMC), Taylor (S), Tift (LT), Toombs (SD), Union (SD), Walker (GB2), Ware (MV3, RB), Wayne (OO), White (S, WMC), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkes (UG).

Common statewide at ponds, lakes, and marshes, but can be found almost anywhere, including along the coast as a migrant. It probably flies year round in warm winters. [Jan 28 - Jan 6].

Anax longipes Hagen, 1861. Comet Darner.  State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1866, 1874, 1875, 1890a), Banks (1892), Calvert (1906), Muttkowski (1910) as concolor, Needham & Westfall (1955), Ries & Cruden (1966), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Appling (GB), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB1), Bibb (UG), Bryan (DS), Bulloch (AH1, AH3), Burke (DS), Chattooga (GB2), Cobb (GB3), DeKalb (GB), Floyd (MD4), Laurens (GB3), Lee (Ro24) Liberty (UG), Long (DS),  Rockdale (FS2), Talbot (GB1), Tattnall (DS), Walker (GDS3), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon across the state at small ponds and sterile shallow pits. [Mar 27 - Sep 4].

Basiaeschna janata (Say, 1839). Springtime Darner. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874), Montgomery (1947), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Bartow (GB2, UG, UN), Burke (UG), Chattooga (SR), Fannin (MV3), Floyd (MD4), Gordon (SR), Harris (MV3), Jones (MV3), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Murray (Lo82, SR, UN, WMC), Paulding (GB3), Richmond (FSCA), Taylor (GB4), Toombs (WMC), White (GB4).

Uncommon to fairly common at streams above the fall line, rare below the fall line or above the fall line along large rivers and ponds near streams. [Mar 20 - May 16].

Boyeria grafiana Williamson, 1907. Ocellated Darner. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Lumpkin (SD83*), Murray (GB3, GB4), White (D8, JD).

Rare at fast cold streams in the northeast corner of the state. [Jul 31 - Sep 23].

Boyeria vinosa (Say, 1839). Fawn Darner. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874) as Aeschna quadriguttata, (1875), Banks (1892) as Neuraeschna vinosa, N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bibb (UG), Brantley (DP), Burke (By31, Wi34), Carroll (GB), Chattooga (GB4, UG), Cherokee (GB2, Lo82, SK, UN), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB1, GB2, GWQ71), Columbia (Lo82), Coweta (GB, GWQ71), Emanuel (GB4), Fannin (JB3), Floyd (GB2), Forsyth (GWQ71), Fulton (GWQ71, UG), Gilmer (Lo82, UN), Gordon (GB2), Gwinnett (GWQ71), Habersham  (GWQ71), Haralson (GB2), Heard (GB2), Houston (SD), Jefferson (SD, Wi34), Lumpkin (GWQ71), McDuffie (Wi34), Meriwether (SD), Murray (GB3, Lo82), Muscogee / Chattahoochee (GWQ71), Oglethorpe (MD4), Paulding (MD4), Polk (GB2), Quitman (GWQ71), Rabun (SD), Richmond (Lo82), Rockdale (FS2), Toombs / Tattnall (Lo82), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Troup (GWQ71), Union (SD, JD, Wi34), White (GWQ71, Wi34).

Mostly uncommon at streams and rivers, but fairly common above the fall line.  [May 22 - Oct 4].

Coryphaeschna ingens (Rambur, 1842). Regal Darner. State: Hagen (1874*) as Aeschna abboti, (1875), Kirby (1890). Banks (1892) as Aeshna ingens, Calvert (1903b, 1906), Williamson (1903a), Martin (1908), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (By31), Calhoun (MV3), Charlton (SD, UN), Clinch (DP, UG), Early (GB2), Glynn (By31), Lee (Ro24) McIntosh (MV3, UG), Monroe (MV3), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon to rare below the fall line; very rare above, at ponds and lakes. [Apr 6 - Sep 23].

Epiaeschna heros (Fabricius, 1798). Swamp Darner. State: Hagen (1874*, 1875), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB2), Baker (MV3), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB2), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB), Burke (By31), Calhoun (MV3), Charlton (Br14, OO, UG), Cherokee (GB3), Clarke (UG), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB1), Coffee (GB3), Dade (GDS3), DeKalb (UG), Dooly (GB2), Dougherty (UG), Early (GB3), Evans (GB), Fulton (AH2, UG, UN), Glynn (By31, GB4), Gwinnett (PA), Heard (GB1), Jones (MV3), Laurens (GB2), Liberty (UG), Long (GB3, WMC), Lowndes (WMC), Lumpkin (MV3), McIntosh (GB, MV3), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Murray (GB2, KT, WMC), Pike (UN), Putnam  (MV3), Rockdale (FS2), Tattnall (MV3, WMC), Toombs (WMC), Walker (GDS3), Ware (MV3), Wayne (OO), White (SD), Wilkinson (DP).

Common throughout the state in forested habitat along rivers and streams; uncommon at forested or swampy ponds. [Mar 21 - Nov 2].

Gomphaeschna antilope (Hagen, 1874).Taper-tailed Darner. State: Hagen (1874*), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Bibb (UG), Camden (DG40), Charlton (DG40,OO), Clarke (UG), Coffee (GB3), Coweta (FSCA), DeKalb (DG40, UN), Elbert (GB3), Evans (KT), Fulton (UG), Jones (FSCA), Liberty (UG) Lincoln (GB3), McIntosh (UG), Taylor (SD).

Rare throughout the state near streams, rivers, or swamps but absent from extreme north. [Mar 21 - May 15].

Gomphaeschna furcillata (Say, 1839). Harlequin Darner. State: Hagen (1874*, 1875), Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB), Burke (GB3), Cobb (GB1), Coffee (GB3), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Early (GB4), Effingham (GB4), Harris (MV3), Pierce (UN), Thomas (DG40).

Rare throughout the state at or near swamps. [Mar 17 - Apr 15].

Gynacantha nervosa Rambur, 1842. Twilight Darner. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Charlton (GB4, UG), Glynn (UG), Thomas (Ko60*).

Rare in the extreme southeast near small ponds along forested rivers. [Only date recorded: Nov 4].

Nasiaeschna pentacantha (Rambur, 1842). Cyrano Darner. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (UG), Charlton (UN), Coffee (DP), Glynn (By31*), Habersham (GBi), Hancock (SD), Jasper (GB2), Laurens (GB1), Lowndes (WMC), Toombs (KT), Wayne (By31).

Scattered records across the state; probably uncommon, along slow rivers and streams. [Apr 1 - Jul 31]

Triacanthagyna trifida (Rambur, 1842). Phantom Darner. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Camden (GB4), Charlton (SD, GB4, Wi23a*), Glynn (UG, Wi23a*), Liberty (DS2, GB3), Ware (WMC).

Fairly common in the southeast and along the coast; easily overlooked due to crepuscular nature; near small ponds along forested rivers. [Oct 11 - Dec 14].


Aphylla williamsoni (Gloyd, 1936). Two-striped Forceptail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Berrien (GB), Bryan (GB1), Bulloch (AH1), Grady (GB1), Crisp (GB2), Dodge (GB1), Harris (GB), Jasper (GB2), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB), Liberty (DS), Long (DS), Miller (GB), Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Wilcox (GB2).

Recently discovered in Georgia, this species is common at ponds and lakes below the fall line; rare but slowly expanding north of the fall line into the middle Piedmont. [Jul 3 - Oct 4].

Arigomphus pallidus (Rambur, 1842). Gray-green Clubtail. State: Selys (1858*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), also as G. pilipes, Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (UG), Bryan (DS), Clinch (WMC), Coffee (MD4), Early (FSCA, GB2), Lanier (GB3), Long (DS), Lowndes (MD4, WMC), Tattnall (DS), Thomas (Wi14).

Fairly common in the southern and eastern coastal plain at ponds, lakes, and the slow edges of streams and rivers. [Apr 27 - Jul 24].

Arigomphus villosipes (Selys, 1854). Unicorn Clubtail. State: Donnelly (2004b).

Dade (WM04*), Walker (MD4 photo).

Very rare in the extreme northwestern section of the state; two records at ponds. The Dade County record is: Trenton, Cloudland Canyon State Park, pond, N 34° 49.58’ W 85° 28.61’, 23 May 2003, 1 male, Coll. Mike Thomas [May 23 - Jul 4].

Dromogomphus armatus Selys, 1854. Southeastern Spinyleg. State: Selys (1878a*, Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), N&W (1955), Louton (1982), Westfall & Tennessen (1979), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Burke (By31, Wi34), Early (SK4), Jefferson (FSCA).

Rare below the fall line at forested mucky seeps or nearby. Dunkle (1992) reported scattered records across north Florida, so it should be found at additional Georgia locations. [Aug 19 - Sep 17].

Dromogomphus spinosus Selys, 1854. Black-shouldered Spinyleg. State: Selys (1858*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), N&W (1955), Westfall & Tennessen (1979), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (JF4), Baldwin (SD, SP), Burke (SD), Calhoun (UG), Catoosa (GB, Lo82, UN), Cherokee (GB2), Cobb (GB2), Crawford (GB), Crisp (GB2), Dade (Lo82, UN), Decatur (UG), Douglas (GB), Early (GB3, GB4), Emanuel (SD, GB1), Floyd (By31, GB1), Gilmer (GB3), Gwinnett (GB, JF), Hancock / Warren (SD), Haralson (GB2), Jefferson (GB1), Laurens (By31), Lee (GBi), McDuffie / Warren (SD), Monroe (GB3), Murray (Lo82), Paulding (GB2), Polk (GB), Randolph (JF4), Rockdale (FS2), Stephens (GB2), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (GB1), Telfair (MD3), Truetlen (GB1), Whitfield (MD3), Wilkinson (By31).

Common throughout the state along streams and rivers except rare at lakes or along the coast. [May 19 - Sep 20].

Dromogomphus spoliatus (Hagen in Selys, 1858). Flag-tailed Spinyleg. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (GB2), Catoosa (GB), Floyd (GB, MD3).

Rare at rivers in the extreme northwestern section of the state; very rarely at ponds. It was originally reported by Montgomery (1947), which was based on a misidentified specimen (Tennessen, 1979).  [Jun 20 - Sep 21].

Erpetogomphus designatus Hagen in Selys, 1858. Eastern Ringtail. State: N&W (1955*), Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Chattooga (UG), Clarke (UG), Decatur (UG), Houston (SD, RG94b, JD, UN), Laurens (GB3), Long (GB3), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (DS, GB3), Toombs (GB1), Twiggs (JD).

Uncommon on large rivers throughout the state, except absent from the immediate coastline. [Jun 13 - Oct 27].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) consanguis (Selys, 1879). Cherokee Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (GBi03, GDS3, GB2), Floyd (GB4), Walker (GBi83b*, GBi03, SD83*, GDS3).

Rare to locally uncommon on small streams, often spring-fed, in the northwestern section of Georgia. [May 23 - Jun 20].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) dilatatus Rambur, 1842. Blackwater Clubtail. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910), Calvert (1921, 1922), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), Westfall (1974), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bryan (DS), Decatur (FSCA), Early (GB3), Echols (UN), Hall (UN), Houston (SD), Monroe (GB3, MV3), Murray (Lo82), Newton (MV3), Schley (UG), Tattnall (DS), Telfair (MD3), Upson (UG).

Uncommon along rivers and streams below the fall line, rare above. [Apr 11 - Jul 13].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) hybridus Williamson,1902. Cocoa Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Crawford / Taylor (SD), Gilmer (Lo82), Jeff Davis (Lo82*, UN), Laurens (GB4), Long (GB3), Monroe (SD), Montgomery (Lo82*, UN), Murray (SD), Tattnall (KT, WM95a), Taylor / Upson (SD), Toombs (KT, SK, WMC), Twiggs (GB4), Wayne (GB3).

Rare along larger rivers and streams across the state. It should be found in the southwestern part of the state, since Westfall (1953 ) reports it from nearby Liberty and Gadsden counties in Florida. [Apr 1 - May 15].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) lineatifrons Calvert, 1921. Splendid Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (GDS3), Cherokee (Lo82*), Dade (GDS3, Lo82*, UN). Floyd (MD3), Gilmer (Lo82*), Walker (GDS3), Whitfield (MD4).

Uncommon to rare along rivers and large streams in the extreme northwestern corner of the state. [May 23 - Jun 26].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) rogersi (Gloyd, 1936). Sable Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Fannin (SD, GB3), Gilmer (SD83, Lo82*, UN, WMC), Habersham (JD), Lumpkin (SD83), Murray (GB2, KT), Taylor (SD), White (GB3, KT).

Uncommon in mountains and rare in Piedmont in fast clean streams. [May 15 - Jun 23].

Gomphus (Gomphurus) vastus Walsh, 1862. Cobra Clubtail. State: N&W (1955*), Westfall (1974), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB1, GB2), Burke (Cr55b, GB2), Cobb (GB), Emanuel (GB1), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (GB3, MV3), Newton (MV3), Rockdale (FS2), Toombs (GB2), Treutlen (GB1, GB2), Upson (GB1).

Uncommon to locally common along rivers and streams south of the mountains. [Apr 11 - Jun 30].

Gomphus (Gomphus) australis Needham, 1897. Clearlake Clubtail. * State: Donnelly (2004b).

Taylor (SD), Telfair (MD4, GB4)

Very rare at sand-bottomed lakes in the coastal plain. The Taylor County record is: Patsiligia Reservoir at Rt 19, 4 mi. N of Butler, 2 May 1987, 4 males. Collected and determined by Sid Dunkle.  The Telfair County record is:  Cedarpark, 8.5 ml SSE of McRae, “Brewer’s Pond”, Photos and capture / release, 23 Apr & 28 Apr 2004, males, Marion Dobbs & Giff Beaton. Cross (1955a, 1956) reports it from Lake Bedford and Dog Lake in Leon County FL.  Dunkle(1989) reports it at scattered locations across northern Florida, so it should be found at more locations across extreme southern Georgia. [Apr 23 - May 2].

Gomphus (Gomphus) diminutus Needham, 1950. Diminutive Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Richmond ( WM98*, GBi03). 

The three cited records all refer to a single collection on a small stream in the eastern part of the state. The locality is: Richmond Co., South Prong of Spirit Creek at US Hwy 1, 16 miles N. of Wrens, about noon, May 5, 1985; collected and determined by Jerrell J. Daigle. On 13 Apr 2005 Giff Beaton found and photographed two more specimens in Richmond Co. on Ft Gordon. The female was at Boggy Gut Creek, and the male was near Brier Creek along an unnamed sandy road. Bick (1983b) reports it from Moore County, North Carolina and Chesterfield County, South Carolina. [13 Apr - May 5].

Gomphus (Gomphus) exilis Selys, 1854. Lancet Clubtail. State: Montgomery (1947*), Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Atkinson (MD4), Baldwin (SP,UN, WMC), Bartow (GB1, UG), Bibb (SD), Butts (WMC), Carroll (GB2), Chattooga (GDS3, SG3), Clarke (FSCA), Cobb (GB), Colquitt (MV3), Cook (MV3), Coweta (GB2), Crawford (SD), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (MW9), Early (GB4), Emanuel (GB4), Fannin (GB3, GB4), Floyd (MD3), Forsyth (RT), Gilmer (GB2, GB3, WMC), Gwinnett (GB), Habersham (SD, FSCA, JD), Harris (SD, GB3, MV3), Heard (GB4), Houston (UG), Jackson (FSCA, UG), Jones (GB3, MV3, WMC), Lanier (MD4), Lumpkin (SD, MV3), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (SD, MV3), Morgan (FSCA, MV3), Murray (SD, GB2, KT98, WMC), Putnam (UG), Richmond (SD, UN),  Rockdale (FS2), Stewart (MV3), Talbot (SD, GB1), Taliaferro (FSCA, UG), Taylor (SD, GB3), Telfair (MD4), Union (FSCA, KT), Walker (GDS3), White (SD, FSCA, KT), Wilkinson (DP).

Common throughout the state except for the extreme southeast at ponds and lakes; rare along streams. [Mar 17 - Jul 4].

Gomphus (Gomphus) lividus Selys, 1854. Ashy Clubtail. State: N&W (1955*), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB2, GB), Bleckley (MD4), Chattooga (GDS3, SR), Cherokee (GB1), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB), Coweta (GB2, UN), Crawford (SD), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (WMC), Floyd (MD3), Franklin (WMC), Greene (FSCA), Habersham (SD, FSCA, JD), Harris (SD), Jones (MV3), Lumpkin (MV3), Marion (SD), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (SD, MV3), Murray (KT98, WMC), Rabun (UN), Richmond (FSCA), Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (SD), Stewart (MV3), Talbot (SD), Taylor / Schley (SD), Towns (GB2), Treutlen (GB2), Union (KT), Walker (SD, GDS3, SR), White (GB4), Whitfield (GB2, Lo82, UN).

Common above the fall line, uncommon below in the northern coastal plain; occurs at all sizes of streams and rivers and rarely at lakes and ponds. [Mar 17 - Jun 2].

Gomphus (Gomphus) minutus Rambur, 1842. Cypress Clubtail. State: Selys (1854b*, 1858), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Ben Hill (WMC), Brantley (BB, DC89b), Bryan (UN), Burke (Lo82, UN), Calhoun (MV3), Candler (Lo82, UN), Charlton (SD, KT, OO, WMC), Clinch (TD, WMC), Echols (WMC), Emanuel (SD, FSCA, GB1, KT), Evans (KT, WMC), Gwinnett (PA), Houston (UG), Jasper (MV3), Laurens (GB1), Long (GB3, KT), Lowndes (WMC), Pierce (SD), Tattnall (JD, KT, SK, WM95a, WMC ), Telfair (SD, GB4, WMC), Toombs (KT, SK, WMC), Twiggs (GB4), Wayne (DS, DP), Whitfield (Lo82).

Fairly common below the fall line; uncommon to rare above at slower rivers, lakes and ponds. [Mar 26 - Jun 18].

Gomphus (Gomphus) quadricolor Walsh, 1862.Rapids Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000*), Donnelly (2004b).

Murray (SK)

Known from only one record in far north Georgia on a clean fast stream: Murray Co., Conasauga R, Alaculsy Valley, 5 ml E of Cisco on old hwy 2, 1000 ft., 1 female, 16 May 1998, Coll. S. Krotzer.  It should occur across the northern ten percent of the state. [Only date recorded: May 16].

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) adelphus  Selys, 1854. Mustached Clubtail. State: Donnelly (2004b).

Murray: ( WM03*).

The single female specimen was collected and photographed by Giff Beaton in northwestern Georgia. The record is: Murray Co., Lake Conasauga Songbird Mgmt. Area, shallow beaver pond and feeder streams, N34° 51.73’, W 84° 39.83’, 9 Jun 2002, Coll. G. Beaton.  This is the southern-most record for this species. [Only date recorded: Jun 9].

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) apomyius Donnelly, 1966. Banner Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bryan / Evans (GB), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (SD, GB3, MV3), Putnam (MV3), Richmond (WM98*), Talbot (SD, JD, WM98*), Tattnall (DS), Upson (SD).

Rare or local at riffles on rivers in the central part of the state; possibly overlooked due to early flight season. [Apr 7 - May 12].

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) geminatus Carle, 1979. Twin-striped Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Decatur (Ca79*); Taylor (JD, SK, GB3).

Very rare in extreme southwest Georgia, plus a cluster of records in the western fall line sandhills. It is interesting to note that the Taylor County records are possibly an isolated population. Additional collecting is needed to determine if this is indeed a disjunct population. In Florida Dunkle (1992) reports it only west of Tallahassee. [May 25 - May 30].

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) parvidens Currie, 1917. Piedmont Clubtail. State: Bick (1983b), Dunkle (2000), NW&M (2000) as G. p. carolinus, Donnelly (2004b).

Fannin (SD), Gilmer (Lo82*, UN), Lumpkin (SD), Rabun (SK3), Richmond (SD83, KT, JD, UN), Taylor / Schley (SD), White (GB4).

Rare in the northern half of the state to just below the fall line at rivers and streams. [May 12 - Jun 6].

Hagenius brevistylus Selys, 1854. Dragonhunter. State: N&W (1955*), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (GB1), Bryan (DS), Burke (Wi34), Butts (MD4), Carroll (GB3), Catoosa (Lo82), Cherokee (GB2), Dade (GB2, Lo82, UN), DeKalb (UG), Evans (DS), Floyd (GB2), Gilmer (GB3), Gordon (SD), Habersham (SD), Hancock / Warren (SD), Haralson (GB2), Murray (GB2, MD4), Oglethorpe (GBi) Polk (GB2), Rabun (SK3), Rockdale (FS2), Tattnall (DS), Union (GB3).

Fairly common above the fall line and in the eastern coastal plain except absent from the southernmost part, on streams and rivers. [Jun 6 - Sep 28].

Lanthus vernalis Carle, 1980. Southern Pygmy Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Fannin (GB5), Gilmer (Lo82), Lumpkin (WMC), Murray (SR), Union (SD, GB4), White (Ca80*; SD, JD, WMC).

Rare to uncommon in the Blue Ridge region along or near trickles and streams. It reaches its southern limit in Georgia, mostly on the eastern side of the Appalachians. [May 17 - May 28].

Ophiogomphus edmundo Needham, 1950. Edmund's Snaketail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Murray (WM98*, KT98, GBi03, GB4), White (WM98*, KT98, GBi03).

Very rare in the Blue Ridge region on fast clean forested streams with exposed rocks. It was discovered in North Carolina in the early 1900s and was reported by Bick (1983b) as “probably extinct.”  Rediscovered in North Carolina in 1994, it is rare in collections, since the adults probably forage in treetops and typically only drop down momentarily to mate over small rock strewn riffle streams. In 1998 the senior author stood for some time in the shade, watching a rock at the head of riffles in a partial sunny situation and waiting for males of edmundo to swoop down out of the treetops and land momentarily on the rock. With net poised to strike, he caught only a few. In 2004 the junior author found several males at a different location perching on the same rocks for over an hour. [Apr 24 - May 25].

Ophiogomphus incurvatus incurvatus Carle, 1982. Appalachian Snaketail. State: Bick (1983b), Donnelly (1987), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Talbot (SD), White (Ca82*).

Very rare above the fall line in clean streams; known only from two records. On 6 Apr 2005 Giff Beaton collected an adult male near an unnamed stream in Early Co. that shows characters of both O. incurvatus incurvatus and O incurvatus alleghaniensis. [No date information].

Ophiogomphus mainensis Packard, 1863. Maine Snaketail. State: Donnelly (2004b).

Murray (WM98*, KT98), Rabun (SK3).

Donnelly (1987) also reports it from Oconee Co SC, adjacent to Rabun County. It is very rare in the Blue Ridge region in clean fast streams, known only from these two records. It reaches its southern limit in Georgia. [Only date recorded: May 17].

Progomphus obscurus (Rambur, 1842). Common Sanddragon. State: Hagen (1874*, 1875) and Selys (1878a) as P. borealis, Banks (1892), Calvert (1901, 1906), Kennedy (1917), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Banks (UN), Berrien (GB3), Bryan (UN), Bulloch (GB2), Burke (GB2), Butts (WMC), Chattooga (MD4), Cherokee (Lo82), Clay (GB2), Coffee (DP), Columbia (UN), Cook (MD3), Coweta (UG), Dawson (GB4), DeKalb (UG, UN), Early (MD4), Echols (MD4), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (GB1, GB4), Evans (DS), Fayette (KT), Franklin (WMC), Fulton (GWQ71), Grady (GB1, UG), Gwinnett (UG), Habersham (SD), Hall (MW9), Hancock / Warren (SD), Haralson (MD4), Houston (SD, GB3, JD), Jackson (UN), Johnson (By31, By39), Lowndes (UG), Macon (GB2), McDuffie / Warren (SD), Monroe (MD3), Montgomery (GB2), Oconee (MD3), Oglethorpe (MD3), Paulding (GB2), Pickens (GB), Pierce (JF4), Putnam (GB2), Richmond (Lo82), Rockdale (FS2), Talbot (SD), Tattnall (DS, GB1), Taylor (GB3), Telfair (DP), Thomas (UG), Tift (GB3), Treutlen (GB1), Troup (GWQ71), Twiggs (GB3), Ware (RB, UN), Wayne (By31, By39), White (GB3).

Common statewide in sandy rivers and streams, more numerous below the fall line. [May 9 - Aug 23].

Stylogomphus albistylus (Hagen in Selys, 1878). Eastern Least Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (MD4), Cherokee (Lo82*), Coweta (GWQ71), Floyd (MD3), Gilmer (Lo82*), Greene (Lo82*), Gwinnett (GWQ71), Habersham (SD), Murray (Lo82*, KT, KT98), Pickens (GB4), Rabun (SK3), Towns (UG), Walker (SD, GDS3), White (GB3).

Uncommon in the northern half of the Piedmont and mountain regions in riffle areas of clean streams of almost any size. [May 23 - Jul 17].

Stylurus amnicola (Walsh, 1862). Riverine Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Houston (SD83*).

Known only from one location on a large sandy river near the fall line.  It has not been located there in recent years in spite of intensive searching. [Jun 21 - Jul 3].

Stylurus ivae (Williamson, 1932) Shining Clubtail. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Brantley (DP), Bryan (DS), Burke (Wi32*, Wi34), Lee (Wi32*), Toombs / Tattnall (Lo82).

The type locality is Brier Creek in Burke County, which is described as a “20 - 30 foot wide flowing stream mostly 2 - 3 feet deep with some 8 - 10 foot holes. It meanders through a swamp forest in a bed of sand and muck, full of logs and tree tops.” It is uncommon to rare on smaller sandy rivers and streams below the fall line, and it is probably overlooked due to its late flight season,. [Sep 3 - Oct 12].

Stylurus laurae (Williamson, 1932). Laura’s Clubtail. State: Montgomery (1947), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Dade (Lo82, UN), Gilmer (Lo82), White (Wi32*, Wi34).

Known only from three records above the fall line in clean streams.  However, Westfall (1953) reports it from Gadsden County, Florida, so it should be found in the south also. Williamson (1932) reported it at “Baggs Creek, which flows in rock, sand and mud, 10 - 15 feet wide……swift and shallow with frequent low rapids. The 2 males were taken on a short stretch where vegetation afforded some shade to the creek.” [Only date recorded: Sep 25].

Stylurus notatus (Rambur, 1842). Elusive Clubtail. State: Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Floyd (Ko60*).

Only one record from the northwest corner of Georgia, and at the southern limit of the species’ range.  It occurs at rivers and lakes. [Only date recorded: Jul 13].

Stylurus plagiatus (Selys, 1854). Russett-tipped Clubtail. State: N&H (1929*), N&W (1955), Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (DS), Baldwin (SP), Bryan (DS), Burke (Wi34), Carroll (GB3), Charlton (SD), Cherokee (GB2, UN), Clarke (UG), Clay (SD), DeKalb (UG), Dougherty (RW67), Early (SD, GB4), Floyd (By31, GB2), Fulton (UN), Greene (MD3), Heard (GB2), Houston (SD), Lee (GB2), Macon (GB2), Meriwether (SD), Tattnall (DS, GB1), Telfair (MD3).

Fairly common on faster stretches of rivers and streams statewide; more common below the fall line; rare in the mountains. [Jul 10 - Nov 5].

Stylurus scudderi (Selys, 1873). Zebra Clubtail. State: N&W 1955), Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

White (Wi23b*, Wi34).

Known only from one record in the extreme northeast.  It occurs in clean streams. This is the southernmost record for this widespread northern and midwestern species. [Only date recorded: Sept 25].

Stylurus spiniceps (Walsh, 1862). Arrow Clubtail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Cherokee (Lo82), Rabun (Ko60*), Union (SD).

Known only from three records primarily in the northeast section of the state but including one from the Piedmont, on sandy rivers. [Only date recorded: Sep 18].


Cordulegaster bilineata (Carle, 1983). (Zoraena of some authors). Brown Spiketail. State: N&W (1955) as diastatops), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Burke (DS, GB3), Dawson (Lo82 as diastatops), Habersham (Ca83*, SD, KT), Murray (Ca83*, KT, SK), Richmond (Cr55b as C. diastatops, KP87, Ca83*), Union (Ca83*, SD, KT), Walker (GDS3), White (WMC)

Uncommon to rare and local above the fall line, except uncommon in the northeast section of the state, at or near sandy seeps and small forest streams. [Apr 4 - Jun 17].

Cordulegaster erronea Hagen in Selys, 1878. (Kalyptogaster of some authors). Tiger Spiketail. State: Carle (1983), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (MD4), Floyd (MD4), Gilmer (Lo82), Habersham (GBi78*), Lumpkin (SD), Murray (GB3, MD4), Rabun (SD), Towns (SD00, KT), Union (SD, JD, UN), Walker (MD4), White (SD, JD, KT).

Uncommon across the far northern section of the state at large rocky seeps and small forest streams. [Jun 26 - Sep 4].

Cordulegaster maculata Selys,1854. (Pangaeagaster of some authors). Twin-spotted Spiketail. State: Selys (1854b*, 1858, 1878a), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), N&W(1955), Carle (1983), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bartow (GB2), Burke (DS), Chattooga (MD4), Cherokee (Lo82), Clarke (UG, WMC), Cobb (GB, UN), Early (GB4), Emanuel (DS), Evans (DS), Fannin (GB2), Gilmer (Lo82), Greene (Lo82), Habersham (SD), Hall (FSCA), Murray (SD, FSCA, SK, Lo82, WMC), Paulding (WMC), Rabun (SK3), Rockdale (FS2), Tattnall (SK), Union (GB1), White (WMC), Whitfield (Lo82, UN).

Fairly common above the fall line, uncommon in the eastern coastal plain, in streams ranging from tiny to fairly large. [Mar 17 - Jun 20].

Cordulegaster obliqua fasciata Rambur, 1842. Southern Arrowhead Spiketail. State: Selys (1854b*, 1858, 1878a as fasciata), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Byers (1930), Carle (1983), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000) as  C. o. fasciata and C. o. obliqua, Donnelly (2004b).

Coffee (DS), Emanuel (DS), Grady (DS2), Long (DS), Murray (JD, WMC), Sumter (RB), Talbot (SD).

Rare statewide at seeps and small forest streams. [May 16 - Jul 24].

Cordulegaster obliqua obliqua (Say, 1839). Northern Arrowhead Spiketail. State: NW&M, 2000*).

Floyd (MD4), Murray (FSCA).

The single published record is based on a female in the FSCA., collected in Murray County:  Eton, CCC Camp Rd @ Tom Terry Road, N 34° 48.9’ W 84°44.3’, female, 16 May 1998, Coll. Bill Mauffray.  The Floyd County record is:  Berry College, 4 Jul 2004, Photo by Nelson Dobbs. The dot in Donnelly (2004b) for C. obliqua at Murray County refers to both subspecies. This subspecies is rare in extreme northern Georgia. [May 16 - Jul 4].

Cordulegaster sayi Selys, 1854. Say's Spiketail. State: Selys (1854b*, 1858, 1869), Hagen (1861), Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875) “near Ogeechee River” Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), N&W (1955), Dunkle & Westfall (1982), Louton (1982), Carle (1983), Dunkle (1989, 1995, 2000), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Candler (DS), Coffee (GBi03, DS), Emanuel (GBi03, DS), Evans (GBi03, DS, GB1, JD, KT, WM95, WMC, UN), Liberty (GBi03, DS), Tattnall (GBi03, JD, KT, SK, WM95, 1995b, WMC), Thomas (Ca04, GBi83b, WM95), Toombs (GBi03, DS), Wayne (GBi03, DS).

The Thomas County specimen is the type according to Bick (1983b). Uncommon and local in turkey oak seep systems of the eastern coastal plain. [Mar 8 - Apr 4].

Corduliidae - Macromiinae

Didymops transversa (Say, 1839). Stream Cruiser. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874, 1875), Selys (1871), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).  

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB2, UG), Bleckley (MD4), Brooks (SD), Charlton (WMC), Chattooga (SR), Cobb (GB), Cook (SD), Coweta (FSCA), Crawford (SD), Decatur (UG), DeKalb (UG), Effingham (SD, FSCA), Emanuel (KT), Evans (WMC), Fannin (MV3), Habersham (SD, UG), Harris (SD, MV3), Jackson (UG), Lee (UG, UN), Long (GB3), Lumpkin (SD, MV3), Meriwether (MV3, UG), Monroe (GB3, MV3), Morgan (MV3), Murray (SD,  KT, Lo82, SR), Muscogee / Chattahoochee (GWQ71), Newton  (MV3), Rabun (UG), Rockdale (FS2, UG), Tattnall (SK, WMC), Taylor / Upson (SD), Thomas (UG), Toombs (KT, WMC), Towns (GB2), Union (KT).

Fairly common above the fall line, uncommon below; at streams and small rivers. [Mar 13 - Jun 12].

Macromia alleghaniensis Williamson, 1909. Allegheny River Cruiser. State: N&W(1955*), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Dade (Lo82, UN), Troup (GWQ71).

The Dade records are based on a reared male collected at Lookout Creek and CR 201, 10 May 1980, emerged 14 June 1980; and two females from Lookout Creek, one mile downstream from Easley Cemetery 18 Aug 1980. It is very rare at rivers in extreme western Georgia; but since Donnelly (1989) reports it from Caldwell County, North Carolina and also from northwest South Carolina (Donnelly, 2004b), it should be found farther east in northern Georgia. [Jun 14 - Aug 18].

Macromia illinoiensis georgina (Selys, 1878). (Macromia georgina of some authors). Georgia River Cruiser. State: Selys (1878b*), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910), Needham & Heywood (1929), Montgomery (1945), Needham & Westfall (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB2), Baldwin (SD, SP), Burke (CC89c, DT94, UN), Clay (SD),Clinch (WMC), Dade (DT94, Lo82), Decatur (UG), Early (SK4), Floyd (GB), Haralson (GB2), Houston (SD, GB3), Laurens (By31), Lee (DT94), Madison (UG), Meriwether (DT94, SD), Monroe (GB3), Montgomery (GB1), Murray (MD4), Muscogee / Chattahoochee (GWQ71), Pierce (DT94), Rockdale (FS2),  Talbot / Upson (GB2), Telfair (MD3), Twiggs (GB3), Wilkes (UG), Wilkinson (SD).

Fairly common statewide on larger streams and rivers. [May 11 - Sep 22].

Macromia margarita Westfall, 1947. Mountain River Cruiser. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Lumpkin (GBi03, Ko60*).

Very rare at rivers in extreme northeast Georgia; known from only one record. Bick (2003) and Donnelly (2004b) summarize its distribution ranging from northwest Alabama northward into Tennessee and eastward into North and South Carolina. Based on this range it should occur in the upper fifteen percent of the state. [Only date recorded: Jul 2].

Macromia taeniolata Rambur, 1842. Royal River Cruiser. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Martin (1906), N&W (1955), Louton (1982), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (CC89c), Bartow (CC89c), Burke (By31, Wi34), Decatur (UG), Emanuel (GB4), Houston, (CC89c), Laurens (CC89c), Lee (Ro24, CC89c), Long (GB3), Lowndes (CC89c), Sumter (UG), Tattnall (GB, GB1), Taylor (CC89c), Telfair (DP), Wilkes (CC89c), Wilkinson (DP).

Fairly common at rivers below the fall line, uncommon above. [May 15 - Sep 21].

Corduliidae - Corduliinae

Epitheca (Epicordulia) princeps (Hagen, 1861). Prince Baskettail (includes all references to E. regina ) State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Selys (1871), Kirby (1890), Calvert (1893), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SD, SP), Bibb (UG), Brooks (GB1), Carroll (GB2), Catoosa (GB), Cobb (GB), Cook (GB1), Decatur (UG), Dougherty (RW67), Douglas (GB), Early (SK4), Fayette (KT), Floyd (GB1), Gordon (GB2), Habersham (GBi), Hall (MW9), Hancock / Warren (SD), Jasper (GB2), Laurens (By31, as regina, GB), Lee (Ro24, RB), Long (GB4), Meriwether (GB1), Monroe (GB3, MD3), Pickens (GB), Polk (GB), Putnam (GB2), Rabun (GBi) Rockdale (FS2), Stephens (GB2), Sumter (UG), Taliaferro (JF4), Tattnall (DS), Union (SD), Upson (GB1), Walker (GDS3).

Common statewide except uncommon in the southeast at ponds, lakes, and rivers. [May 2 - Sep 24].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) costalis (Selys, 1871). Stripe-winged Baskettail. State: Hagen (1861*, 1874, 1875), Selys (1871), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Brantley (BB), Chattooga (GDS3), Clinch (KT77), Cobb (GB3), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Dade (GDS3), Long (KT, WMC), Lowndes (MD4), Murray (SK), Tattnall (JD, KT, SK, WM95a), Walker (GDS3).

Locally uncommon to rare statewide at ponds and lakes. It may be overlooked. [Mar 26 - Jun 20].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) cynosura (Say, 1839). Common Baskettail. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874) as Cordulia lateralis, (1875), Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1915), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bacon (GB1), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB2), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB), Brooks (UG), Bulloch (DP), Calhoun (MV3), Carroll (GB2), Charlton (OO), Chatham (UG), Chattooga (MD4, GDS3)), Cherokee (GB1), Clarke (UG), Clinch (KT), Cobb (GB), Coffee (GB3), Colquitt (MV3), Columbia (UN), Cook (MV3), Coweta (GWQ71, UG), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (MW9), DeKalb (UG), Early (GB3, GB4, MV3), Effingham (GB4), Emanuel (KT), Evans (KT), Floyd (MD4), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (WMC), Gwinnett (PA), Haralson (WMC), Harris (MV3, UG), Heard (GB4), Houston (UG, UN), Jackson (UG), Johnson (UG),  Jones (MV3, WMC),  Laurens (GB3), Long (KT,WMC), Lowndes (MD4), Lumpkin (MV3), McIntosh (MV3), Meriwether (MV3), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3, UG), Murray (KT, SR, WMC), Newton (MV3), Oconee (UG),  Paulding (GB, GB3), Rabun (GBi), Richmond (UN), Rockdale (FS2), Taliaferro (UG), Tattnall (KT, SK, MV3, WM95a), Taylor (GB3), Telfair (UN), Toombs (KT), Union (GB1, KT), Walker (GDS3), Ware (MV3), Wayne (DP), Wheeler (GB1), White (KT)

Common statewide at marshes, ponds, and lakes, and uncommon at slow streams and rivers. [Mar 13 - Jul 4].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) semiaquea (Burmeister, 1839). Mantled Baskettail. State: Hagen (1863, 1873, 1874), Selys (1871), Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1911a), Davis (1933) as calverti, N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Charlton (OO, DP), Chatham (Bu39*, Ca98, Ha61, Ha75), Clinch (TD, UG), Emanuel (KT), Evans (KT, WMC), Houston (UG), Long (JD, KT, WMC), Richmond (UN), Tattnall (JD, SK, WMC, WM95a); Thomas (Da33, Mu15), Toombs (KT), Wayne (DP).

It was first published as Libellula semiaquea from the type locality of “Savannah” Burmeister (1839). Uncommon to locally common at ponds and lakes in the eastern coastal plain. [Mar 18 - Apr 13].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) sepia Gloyd, 1933. Sepia Baskettail. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Tattnall (WM95a), Taylor (SK3), Ware (GBi90*), Wayne (DP).

Rare in the coastal plain at ponds, lakes and slow streams and rivers; mostly active at dusk. It may be overlooked. [May 25 - Jul 8].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) spinosa (Hagen in Selys, 1878). Robust Baskettail. State: Selys (1878b*) Banks (1892), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910, 1915), N&H (1929), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bick (1983a) reports a specimen from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Dunkle (1989) reports only one record from north Florida in the panhandle. Kondratieff & Pyott (1987) report it from Savannah River Plant just across the border in South Carolina. All the Georgia records refer to the original Selys (1878b) record. Although there are no modern records, its range according to Donnelly (2004b) would seem to indicate that it should continue to occur in Georgia. [No date information].

Epitheca (Tetragoneuria) stella Williamson in Muttkowski, 1911. Florida Baskettail. State: Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Lee (UG), Wayne (By31), Thomas (Mu15*).

Rare in southern coastal plain at ponds, and also may be overlooked. [Only date recorded: Mar 16].

Helocordulia selysii (Hagen in Selys, 1878). Selys' Sundragon. State: Selys (1878b*), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Lumpkin (MV3), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Paulding (GB3), Rockdale (FS2), Taylor (GB3).

Rare to uncommon in the Piedmont and upper Coastal Plain at sandy streams. [Mar 17 - May 1].

Helocordulia uhleri (Selys, 1871). Uhler's Sundragon. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bartow (GB2, GB4), Floyd (MD4), Murray (WM98*, GB4).

Rare to uncommon in the northwestern portion of the state at clean streams and rivers. [Apr 6 - May 25].

Neurocordulia alabamensis Hodges in Needham & Westfall, 1955. Alabama Shadowdragon. State: N&W(1955*), Dunkle (1989), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

N&W55 report the type locality as Alabama, but also list it from Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina.  Louton (1982) reports it from Aiken County, South Carolina just across the river from Georgia. Donnelly (2004b) shows scattered records across the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains. Because it, along with the other species of this genus, is active only at dusk, it is uncommon in collections. [No date information].

Neurocordulia molesta (Walsh, 1863). Smoky Shadowdragon. State: Westfall (1953*) “Savannah River”, N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bartow (Lo82), Jeff Davis / Montgomery (Lo82), Seminole (GWQ71). Long (GB5), Telfair / Jeff Davis (GB5)

Rare and probably overlooked throughout the state at rivers, it is known from only five records. Louton (1982) also reports it from a few counties in South Carolina along the Savannah River. [Exuviae records 15 May - 16 May].

Neurocordulia obsoleta (Say, 1839) Umber Shadowdragon.  State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Morgan (MV3). Toombs (WM98*)

The Morgan County record is:  Rutledge, Hard Labor Creek State Park, Hard Labor Creek, 23 Apr 2003, Coll. by Michael Veit. The Toombs County record is: Cobb Cr., Hwy. 147, 1 Apr 95, 1 female, Coll. K. J. Tennessen. Williamson (1903b) reports a larval record from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Based on its range (Donnelly, 2004b), it probably occurs throughout most of the state, but it is very rare. [No date information].

Neurocordulia virginiensis Davis, 1927. Cinnamon Shadowdragon. State (Byers 1937*), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Dougherty (RW67), Early (SK).

The Dougherty County records are nymphs. The Early County record is of two males collected by Steve Krotzer on 2 May 1999 from the west bank of the Chattahoochee River out over the river, which is in Georgia (per. comm.). Byers’ (1937) holotype was from Jackson County, Florida. Louton (1982) reports it from the Conasagua River in Tennessee and in a couple of counties along the Savannah River near Aiken, South Carolina. It is widespread, but rare, in clean rivers. [No date information].

Somatochlora elongata (Scudder, 1866). Ski-tailed Emerald. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

White (SD83*).

It reaches the southern most extreme of its range in northeast Georgia. It is very rare at slow streams and marshes. [No date information].

Somatochlora filosa (Hagen, 186l ). Fine-lined Emerald. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Selys (1871), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Martin (1906), Walker (1925), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Brantley (DP), Charlton (GBi, SD, GB4, UN), Clarke (UG), Clinch (SD).

Uncommon to rare in Georgia, mostly below the fall line, near rivers but breeding habitat unknown. [Sep 8 - Nov 4].

Somatochlora georgiana Walker, 1925. Coppery Emerald. State: N&H (1929), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Lee (Wa25*, JD92b), Telfair (JD92b, DP).

The type locality is in Lee County. It is rare in the coastal plain at small forest streams. [No date information].

Somatochlora linearis (Hagen, 1861). Mocha Emerald. State: Hagen (1874*), Selys (1878b), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Montgomery (1945), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bibb (UG), Burke (By31, Wi34), Clinch (DP), Dodge (UN), Emanuel (SD), Floyd (By31, GB2), Houston (SD, GB3), Jefferson (Wi34), Lee (Ro24, Wa25), Long (DS), Polk (GB2), Twiggs (GB3), Wheeler (SD).

Fairly common statewide at small forest streams; found in greatest density as the streams are drying up in late summer. [Jun 13 - Sep 14].

Somatochlora provocans Calvert, 1903. Treetop Emerald. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Lee (Ro24*, Wa25)

Very rare in coastal plain. It is known from only one record.  It occurs at forest seeps and trickles. [Only recorded date: Jul 7].

Somatochlora tenebrosa (Say, 1839). Clamp-tipped Emerald. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Chattooga (GB3), Cobb (GB3), Dade (WM98*, UG, UN), Floyd (GB2), Fulton (WM98*, UG), Murray (GB3, GB4), Rabun (GB3, JD, WM98*), Union (GB3), White (SD).

Fairly common at forest seeps and streams in the northern half of the Piedmont and mountains, but should also be found in southwestern Georgia since there are several records near Tallahassee, Florida (Donnelly, 2004b).  [Jun 20 - Sep 10].


Brachymesia gravida (Calvert, 1890). (Cannacria gravida of various authors) Four-spotted Pennant. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (GB2), Ben Hill (GB2), Berrien (GB), Brantley (SD75*), Brooks (GB1), Bulloch (AH1, AH2), Chatham (GB), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (GB, MD3), Crisp (GB2), Dodge (GB1), Emanuel (GB1), Evans (GB), Glynn (GB2), Grady (GB1), Irwin (SD75*, KT), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Laurens (GB), Lee (RB), Liberty (DS, GB), Lowndes (GB), McIntosh (GB), Miller (GB), Montgomery (GB1), Pierce (JF4), Putnam (GB2), Seminole (GB), Sumter (RB), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Tattnall (DS), Tift (RB), Toombs (GB1), Wilcox (GB2).

Common at ponds and lakes in the coastal plain, especially those with cattail edges, and rare in the lower Piedmont. [May 8 - Nov 11].

Celithemis amanda (Hagen, 1861). Amanda's Pennant. State: Hagen (1863, 1874, 1890b), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892), Williamson (1922c), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M(2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Brantley (UG), Bulloch (DP), Charlton (UN), Chatham (Ha61*), Clinch (UG), Glynn (UN), Irwin (SD), Lanier (GB4, UG), Laurens (GB1), McDuffie (Wi34) Richmond (UG), Taylor (GB4), Thomas (UN), Treutlen (MD4).

Uncommon to rare at ponds and small lakes in the eastern coastal plain. [Mar 29 - Sep 28].

Celithemis bertha Williamson, 1922. (as leonora ) Red-veined Pennant. State: N&W (1955*) also as leonora, NW&M (2000) as C. b. bertha and C. b. leonora, Donnelly (2004b). 

Appling (GB4), Baker (GB2), Baldwin (SP), Bulloch (AH2), Coffee (MD4, RB), Cook (MD4), Decatur (FSCA), Dodge (MD4), Floyd (MD3), Glynn (UN), Grady (GB1), Irwin (FSCA), Laurens (GB1), Lee (RB), Rabun (GB3),  Stephens (GB2), Tattnall (GB1).

Uncommon to fairly common at shallow ponds and lakes with barely emergent shoreline vegetation in the coastal plain, and occasionally on rivers and lakes above the fall line throughout the Piedmont. [May 2 - Oct 17].

Celithemis elisa (Hagen, 1861). Calico Pennant. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874, 1875, 1890b), Calvert (1893), Ris (1912), Williamson (1922c), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB4), Atkinson (MD4), Baker (GB2, UG), Baldwin (MD4, SP), Bartow (UG), Ben Hill (GB2, WMC), Bulloch (DP), Butts (MD4), Camden (UG), Carroll (GB), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB3), Cobb (GB), Coffee (RB), Cook (UG, UN), Coweta (GB2), Crawford (UN), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Decatur (UG, UN), Douglas (GB), Echols (SD), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (GB1), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (MD4), Franklin (GB, UG), Gordon (MD4), Grady (GB1), Gwinnett (UG), Habersham (GBi), Haralson (WMC, GB2), Harris (GB1, UG), Irwin (SD, GB3), Jones (MV3), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB, GB1), Lee (Ro24, RB), Long (GB3), Lumpkin (SD), McDuffie (Wi34), Meriwether (GB1), Miller (GB), Mitchell (UG), Montgomery (GB1, GB2), Morgan (GB), Murray (GB2, UG), Paulding (GB), Peach (GB), Pickens (GB), Pierce (SD), Pike (UG), Polk (GB), Rabun (GBi, SD, GB3), Richmond (SD, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Stephens (GB2), Talbot (GB1), Taylor (GB4, MD4), Toombs (GB1), Union (GB3, KT), Upson (UG), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Wayne (UG, UN), Wheeler (WMC), Wilcox (GB2), Worth (WMC).

Common statewide at ponds and lakes, often with grassy or vegetated edges. [Apr 3 - Nov 21].

Celthemis eponina (Drury, 1773). Halloween Pennant. State: Rambur (1842*) as Libellula camilla, Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1912), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB), Ben Hill (GB2), Berrien (GB, MD4), Brooks (GB1), Bulloch (AH1, AH2), Burke (GB2, Wi34), Butts (MD4), Camden (UN), Catoosa (GB), Charlton (Br14), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clayton (GB), Cobb (GB), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (GB, MD4), Crisp (GBi), Decatur (UG), DeKalb (UG), Douglas (GB), Early (GB4), Evans (GB), Floyd (GB), Franklin (GB), Fulton (UG), Gwinnett (GB), Haralson (GB2), Houston (UG), Irwin (SD, RB), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Lee (Ro24), Lowndes (GB, UN), Meriwether (GB2), Mitchell (UG, UN), Montgomery (GB1), Paulding (GB2), Polk (GB), Putnam (UG), Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Sumter (RB), Talbot (MD4), Telfair (DP), Tift (RB), Toombs (GB1), Wheeler (DP).

Common statewide but may be local at marshes, ponds and lakes. [May 29 - Nov 28].

Celithemis fasciata Kirby, 1889. Banded Pennant. State: Kirby (1890), Hagen (1890b), Banks (1892), Williamson (1910, 1922c), Ris (1912, 1916), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Atkinson (SD, MD4), Baker (UG), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB1), Bibb (UG), Bulloch (AH1, AH2), Butts (MD4), Carroll (GB2), Charlton (Br14), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GBi), Cobb (GB, UG), Coffee (RB), Crawford (UN), Dade (GB2), DeKalb (UG), Early (SK4), Elbert (GB), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (GB), Franklin (UG), Glascock (JF3), Gwinnett (GB, JF), Habersham (GBi, SD), Hall (MW9), Hancock (MD4), Haralson (WMC), Houston (UG), Irwin (SD), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Lanier (UG), Laurens (GB1), Lee (RB), Lowndes (UN), Lumpkin (SD), Macon (SD, UG), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (GB), Meriwether (JF3), Murray (MD4), Peach (UG), Pickens (GB, GB2), Putnam (GB2, UG), Rabun (GBi, SD), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Stephens (GB2), Taliaferro (JF4), Taylor (UG), Telfair (MD4), Toombs (GB1), Union (SD), Upson (UG), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Wheeler (DP).

Fairly common statewide, may be locally common, at ponds and lakes. [May 15 - Nov 5].

Celithemis ornata (Rambur, 1842). Faded Pennant. State: Hagen (1874*), Ris (1912), Williamson (1922c), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (UG), Ben Hill (WMC), Bibb (UG), Camden (GB), Charlton (SD, UG), Crawford (UG), Echols (WMC), Evans (WMC), Glynn (UG), Laurens (GB4), Lee (Ro24, UG), Lowndes (WMC), McDuffie (Wi34), Pierce (SD, FSCA), Richmond (SD), Taylor (UG), Telfair (MD4), Wheeler (DP).

Uncommon in the coastal plain at ponds and lakes with emergent shoreline vegetation. [Mar 25 - Nov 5].

Celithemis verna Pritchard, 1935. Double-ringed Pennant. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (UG), Cook (Pr35*), DeKalb (UN), Evans (UN), Lee (Pr35*), Monroe (GB3), Taylor (GB3), Telfair (MD4), Walker (GDS3), Wheeler (DP, UN), White (SD).

Rare statewide at ponds and lakes with emergent shoreline vegetation. [Apr 23 - Aug 6].

Dythemis velox Hagen, 1861. Swift Setwing. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (MD4), Butts (MD4), Carroll (GB), Catoosa (GB), Chattooga (GB2), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clayton (WMC), Early (SK4), Floyd (GB, GB1), Forsyth (RT), Franklin (MD3), Fulton (UG), Gordon (MD4), Gwinnett (GB, JF), Habersham (GBi, SD), Hall (MW9), Harris (SD), Lee (Ko60*), Meriwether (SD, GB1), Monroe (GB3), Paulding (GB2), Polk (GB), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Stephens (GBi), Sumter (MD4, RB), Whitfield (MD3), Wilkinson (SD).

Fairly common to uncommon above the fall line and uncommon to rare in the western coastal plain at streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. [May 20 - Oct 16].

Erythemis simplicicollis (Say, 1839). Eastern Pondhawk. State: Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1911), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB1), Atkinson (WMC), Baker (MV3, UG, UN), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB, GB2, UG), Ben Hill (UG, WMC), Berrien (GB, GB3), Bibb (GB, UG), Brantley (UG), Brooks (UG), Bryan (GB, UN), Bulloch (AH1), Burke (UN, Wi34), Butts (MD4), Calhoun (MV3, UG), Carroll (GB), Catoosa (GB), Charlton (OO, PA, UG, UN), Chatham (GB, Ha61*), Chattooga (GDS3, GB, GB2, SG3), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB2), Clayton (GB), Clinch (GBi, WMC), Cobb (GB, UG), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (GB, MD4), Coweta (GB), Crawford (SD, UN), Crisp (GBi), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Dawson (JF), Decatur (GBi, UN), DeKalb (UG, UN), Dodge (GB1), Dooly (GB2), Dougherty (UG), Douglas (GB), Early (GB2, SK4, UG), Echols (WMC), Effingham (GB2, UG), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (GB1, GB4), Evans (GB), Floyd (GB), Forsyth (GB, JF), Franklin (GB, UG, WMC), Fulton (UG, HS4), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (GB, UG, UN), Gordon (UG), Grady (GB1), Greene (GB), Gwinnett (By31, JF, PA), Habersham (GBi, SD), Hall (MW9), Haralson (WMC, GB2), Heard (GB2), Henry (UG), Houston (UG), Irwin (SD, GB3, RB, UG), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Jefferson (GB2), Jenkins (UG), Johnson (SD), Jones (WMC), Lamar (GB, UG), Lanier (UG), Laurens (By31, GB, PA), Lee (Ro24, RB), Liberty (UG), Lowndes (UG, UN, WMC), Macon (GB2), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (GB, MV3, UG), Meriwether (GB1), Miller (GB), Mitchell (UG, UN), Monroe (GB), Montgomery (GB1, GB2), Morgan (MV3), Murray (GB, KT, UN), Newton (MV3), Paulding (GB), Peach (UG), Pierce (SD), Polk (GB), Pulaski (WMC), Putnam (GB2, UG), Rabun (GBi), Randolph (JF4), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB, JF), Seminole (GB), Stephens (UN), Stewart (GB, MV3), Sumter (RB, UG), Taliaferro (UG), Tattnall (WMC), Taylor (SD, UG), Telfair (UG, WMC), Thomas (UG), Tift (GB3, RB), Toombs (GB1), Treutlen (GB1), Turner (WMC), Twiggs (GB3), Upson (UG), Walker (GDS3), Ware (MV3, RB, UG, UN), Washington (UG), Wayne (OO, UG, UN), Wheeler (WMC), White (DP), Whitfield (GB2), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkinson (DP), Worth (WMC).

Very common statewide at marshes, ponds and lakes, especially those with lily pads. [Mar 5 - Nov 21].

Erythrodiplax berenice berenice (Drury, 1770). Seaside Dragonlet. State: Ris (1911*), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bryan (UN), Camden (SD, GB), Charlton (Br14), Chatham (GB), Glynn (Ca12, SD, SH30, GB1, UG), McIntosh (UG).

Uncommon along the immediate coast at brackish or salt marshes and wet grassy areas. [Jun 14 - Oct 6].

Erythrodiplax minuscula (Rambur, 1842). Little Blue Dragonet. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Williamson (1899), Calvert (1906), Ris (1911), Muttkowski (1910), N&H (1929), N&W(1955), NW&M (2000), Paulson (2003), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB4, UG), Atkinson (DP), Bacon (DB42), Baker (UG), Baldwin (SP), Ben Hill (GB2), Berrien (FS2, GB1), Brantley (BB, UG), Brooks (GB1), Bryan (UN), Burke (Wi34, DB42), Camden (UN), Charlton (Br14, OO, PA, UG, WMC), Chatham (GB), Chattooga (MD4), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GB3, UG), Coffee (DP), Cook (MD4, UN), Crawford (UG, UN), Decatur (DB42, UN), Dougherty (UG), Early (GB3, SK4, UN), Echols (GB3, WMC), Effingham (UN), Emanuel (GB1, GB4), Glynn (UG), Grady (GB1), Gwinnett (GB, JF), Irwin (RB), Jefferson (DB42, By31), Jeff Davis (GB, UG), Lanier (GB3, UG), Laurens  (GB1, GB2, WMC), Lee (DB42, Ro24, RB3, UG, UN), Long (DS, GB3, WMC), Lowndes (DB42, UG, UN, WMC), McDuffie (UN, Wi34, DB42), McIntosh (GB, GB4, MV3), Mitchell (UG, UN), Montgomery (GB1), Rabun (GB3), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB, UG), Schley (UG), Screven (DP), Seminole (GB), Stephens (UN), Sumter (MD4), Tattnall (DS, WMC), Taylor (UG, UN), Telfair (UG, UN), Tift (MD4), Toombs (GB1, WMC), Treutlen (MD4), Twiggs (GB3), Ware (DB42), Wayne (DB42, By31, OO, UG, UN), Wheeler (DP), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkinson (By31, DB42), Worth (WMC).

Prior to Paulson (2003), this species was called Erythrodiplax connata minuscula. It is uncommon above the fall line, very common below.  It is found at marshes, ponds, lakes, and slow rivers. [Mar 26 - Dec 8].

Ladona deplanata Rambur, 1842. (Libellula of some authors). Blue Corporal. State: Hagen (1861*, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Ris (1910), N&H (1929), N&W(1955), Cuyler (1989b), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (MV3, UG), Baldwin (MD4, SP), Bartow (UG, GB2, UN), Berrien (GB1), Bibb (UG), Brantley (BB), Brooks (SD), Bulloch (AH3), Burke (GB3), Butts (WMC), Charlton (FSCA, GB2, OO, UG), Cherokee (GB1), Clarke (UG), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB), Colquitt (MV3), Cook (GB1, MV3), Crawford (UG), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Dade (GDS3), Early (GB3, GB4), Effingham (FSCA) Evans (WMC), Floyd (MD3), Fulton (UG), Gwinnett (GB, PA), Habersham (SD), Harris (GB3), Heard (GB4), Houston (UG, UN), Jasper (MV3), Jones (MV3, WMC), Laurens (GB2), Liberty (UG), Long (GB3, WMC), Lowndes (MD4), Lumpkin (MV3), McIntosh (UG), Mitchell (UG), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (MV3), Murray (GB2, KT),  Paulding (GB3), Pulaski (MD4), Rockdale (FS2), Stewart (MV3), Tattnall (GB4), Taylor (GB3, GB4), Telfair (GB4, MD4), Toombs (GB1), Walker (GDS3), Walton (UG), Ware (MV3), Wayne (UG), Wheeler (GB1), White (FSCA, KT).

Common statewide at ponds and lakes. [Mar 4 - Jun 18].

Libellula auripennis Burmeister, 1839. Golden-winged Skimmer. Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1910), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB, GB4), Atkinson (WMC), Bacon (MW43), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (UN), Berrien (GB), Bibb (UG, UN), Bryan (UN), Bulloch (AH1), Charlton (FS2, GB, PA, UN, MW43), Chatham (Bu39*, Ca98, Br14, MW43), Clarke (UG), Clinch (SD, GB3, WMC), Cobb (GB), Crawford (UN), Dawson (JF), Decatur (UG, MW43), Dodge (MD4), Early (GB4, UN), Echols (GB3), Evans (GB, UN), Fannin (GB3, UN), Floyd (GB), Glynn (By31, GB, UG, MW43), Grady (GB1), Gwinnett (PA), Irwin (RB), Jeff Davis (GB), Jefferson (By31,UN, MW43), Lanier (UG, UN), Laurens (GB1, WMC), Lee (Ro24, RB, UG, MW43), Lowndes (GB), McDuffie (Wi34, MW43), McIntosh (GB, MV3), Mitchell (UN), Murray (GB2), Randolph (JF4), Richmond (UN), Rockdale (FS2), Schley (RB3), Seminole (GB), Sumter (MD4), Tattnall (GB4), Taylor (MD4), Telfair (MD4), Tift (RB), Treutlen (MD4), Walker (GDS3), Ware (RB, UG), Wayne (UN).

Common below the fall line, uncommon above, at marshes, ponds, and lakes. [Apr 19 - Oct 23].

Libellula axilena Westwood, 1837. Bar-winged Skimmer. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Ris (1910), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Atkinson (WMC), Brantley (UG), Burke (UG), Camden (UG), Charlton (Br14, UG, UN), Chattahoochee (UG), Chattooga (GB4), Clinch (GB3, UG, WMC), Cobb (GB3), DeKalb (UG), Early (GB3), Echols (GB3, WMC), Glynn (By31), Harris (UG), Lanier (UG, UN), Laurens (GB3), Lee (Ro24, RB3), Lowndes (UG, UN), McIntosh (UG), Thomas (GB1), Treutlen (GB3), Walker (GDS3), Ware (RB, UN), Wayne (By31), Wheeler (WMC).

Uncommon below the fall line and uncommon to rare above at ponds and temporary pools in fields and forests. [May 8 - Aug 7].

Libellula cyanea Fabricius, 1775. Spangled Skimmer. State: Muttkowski (1910*), N&H (1929), Montgomery (1945), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SD, SP), Banks (UG), Bartow (UG, UN), Bibb (UG), Burke (GB2), Carroll (GB2, WMC), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB2), Cobb (GB, UG, UN), Coweta (GB2), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Dade (GDS3), Dawson (GB, WMC, MW9), Early (GB2), Elbert (GB), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (GB1), Franklin (UG, WMC), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB3), Gordon (SD), Greene (MD3), Gwinnett (PA), Habersham (FSCA, GB1, JD, UN), Haralson (WMC), Harris (GB), Henry (UG, UN), Houston (SD), Jasper (GB, GB2), Jones (WMC), Lamar (UG), Lee (Ro24), Lumpkin (SD), Meriwether (GB1), Monroe (MD3), Morgan (UG), Murray (GB3), Paulding (GB, GB1), Pickens (GB), Polk (GB, UG), Putnam (GB2), Rabun (GBi, GB3), Rockdale (FS2, UN), Schley (GB3. RB3), Spalding (UG), Stephens (UN), Talbot / Marion (SD), Taliaferro (GB), Taylor (SD), Union (SD), Walker (SD, GDS3), Walton (UG), Washington (SD), White (SD, GB1, GB4, KT, WMC).

Common above the fall line becoming uncommon below and absent from most of the eastern and central coastal plain at ponds and marshes. [Apr 10 - Sep 2].

Libellula flavida Rambur, 1842. Yellow-sided Skimmer. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874) and Banks (1892) as L. plumbea, Calvert (1907), Ris (1910), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bartow (GB1), Bibb (UG), Bryan (UN), Burke (By31, GB3, UN, Wi34), Carroll (UN), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB), DeKalb (UG), Early (GB3), Emanuel (SD, GB4), Fannin (GB3, UN), Floyd (GB2), Fulton (UG), Gordon (SD), Habersham (UN), Macon (SD), McDuffie (Wi34), Morgan (MV3), Murray (KT), Oglethorpe (UG), Rabun (Da11, SD), Richmond (SD, UG), Rockdale (FS2, UG), Schley (GB3), Sumter (RB), Taylor (SD), Union (SD).

Uncommon throughout the state but mostly absent from the southernmost portion; in seeps and very small streams. [Apr 21 - Oct 11].

Libellula incesta Hagen, 1861. Slaty Skimmer. State: Hagen (1874*), Ris (1910), Byers (1927a), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB, GB1), Baker (UG), Baldwin (SP, UG), Bartow (GB, UG), Ben Hill (UG), Berrien (GB, GB3), Bibb (UG), Brooks (GB1, UN), Bryan (UN), Bulloch (AH1), Burke (By31, Wi34), Butts (MD3), Calhoun (UG), Catoosa (GB), Charlton (Br14, PA), Chatham (GB), Chattooga (GB, GB2), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (JF, UG), Clay (GB2), Clayton (GB), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (GB), Columbia (UN), Cook (MD3), Crawford (UG), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GB2), Decatur (UG, UN), DeKalb (UG), Dooly (By31), Douglas (GB), Early (GB2, SK4, UG), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (SD, GB1, GB4), Fayette (KT), Floyd (GB), Forsyth (JF), Franklin (MD3), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (By31), Gordon (MD4), Grady (GB1), Greene (GB), Gwinnett (GB, PA), Habersham (GBi, SD), Hall (MW9), Harris (GB, GB1), Henry (UG), Irwin (GBi, RB), Jasper (GB), Jeff Davis (GB), Jenkins (JF, UG), Johnson (SD), Lanier (UG), Laurens (By31, PA), Lee (Ro24, RB, UG), Lowndes (UN), Lumpkin (SD), Macon (GB, GB2), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (MV3), Meriwether (GB2), Miller (GB), Mitchell (UG), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (MD4), Murray (GB2), Paulding (GB), Pierce (JF4), Polk (GB), Rabun (GBi), Randolph (GB2), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Schley (RB3), Seminole (GB), Sumter (RB), Talbot (SD), Taliaferro (JF4), Taylor (UG, UN), Telfair (MD4), Tift (GBi, GB3), Toombs (GB1), Treutlen (GB1), Troup (GB), Twiggs (GB3), Walker (GB2), Ware (RB), Wayne (By31), Wheeler (SD, WMC), White (SD, JF), Whitfield (MD3), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkinson (SD).

Very common statewide in puddles, ponds, lakes, and slower stretches of rivers and streams. [May 6 - Nov 7].

Libellula luctuosa Burmeister, 1839. Widow Skimmer. State: N&W (1955*), NW&M(2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB, UG, UN), Burke (GB2), Butts (MD4), Catoosa (GB), Chattooga (GB, GB2, UN), Clarke (UG), Clayton (GB), Cobb (GB), Dade (GB2), Dawson (GB), DeKalb (UG, UN), Douglas (GB), Elbert (GB), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (GB, UG), Forsyth (GB, JF), Franklin (UG, WMC), Fulton (UG, HS4), Gilmer (GB3), Glascock (MD3), Greene (GB), Gwinnett (GB), Habersham (SD, UG), Hall (MW9), Harris (GB), Henry (UG, UN), Houston (SD), Jasper (GB), Laurens (GB1), Lee (RB), Lumpkin (SD), Meriwether (GB1), Morgan (UG), Newton (RT), Paulding (GB), Pickens (GB), Polk (GB), Putnam (GB2), Rabun (GBi, SD, UG), Richmond (UG), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Stephens (UN), Sumter (RB), Talbot (GB1), Taliaferro (JF4), Union (JD), Walker (SD, GDS3, GB), White (SD), Whitfield (MD4).

Very common above the fall line, uncommon below in the western coastal plain and absent from the central and eastern coastal plain, at marshes, ponds, and lakes. [May 18 - Nov 2].

Libellula needhami Westfall, 1943. Needham's Skimmer. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Camden (GB), Coffee (GB4), Glynn (GB3, MW43*), Ware (UN).

Uncommon and local along the immediate coast in freshwater marshes, salt marshes and ponds. [Mar 22 - Oct 3].

Libellula pulchella Drury, 1773. Twelve-spotted Skimmer. State: Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875), Calvert (1893), Ris (1910), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (GB2), Baldwin (SP), Carroll (GB), Chatham (Bu39*, Ca98), Chattooga (GDS3), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB), Crawford / Bibb (SD), Dade (GB2), DeKalb (UN), Douglas (GB), Fannin (JB3), Floyd (GB), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB), Lee (Ro24), McDuffie (Wi34), Rabun (SD), Richmond (AH2), Rockdale (GB), Walker (GDS3), Walton (UG).

Uncommon to fairly common above the fall line, uncommon below in the western coastal plain and absent otherwise, in marshes, ponds, and lakes. [Apr 24 - Oct 22].

Libellula semifasciata Burmeister, 1839. Painted Skimmer. State: Hagen (1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1910), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (UG), Baldwin (SP), Bibb (UG), Brantley (JF4), Bryan (UN), Calhoun (MV3), Carroll (GB2), Charlton (OO), Chatham (Ha61*, Ca98 as L. bifasciata ), Chattooga (GB4), Clinch (WMC), Cobb (GB1, UG), Coffee (GB3), DeKalb (UG), Early (GB4, MD4), Echols (WMC), Emanuel (KT, UG), Evans (WMC), Floyd (MD4), Glynn (By31), Gordon (SD), Habersham (UN), Laurens (MD4), Lee (Ro24), Long (WMC), Morgan (MV3), Murray (SD, GB3, KT), Pierce (SD, UG), Pike (UG), Rabun (UN), Rockdale (FS2), Schley (RB3), Talbot / Marion (SD), Tattnall (WMC), Taylor (SD), Telfair (WMC), Toombs (WMC), Walker (GDS3), Ware (UG), Wayne (OO), White (GB4).

Uncommon statewide in marshes, grassy wet areas, and ponds, more common below the fall line. [Mar 21 - Jul 30].

Libellula vibrans Fabricius, 1793. Great Blue Skimmer. State: Ris (1910*), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bibb (UG), Brooks (GB1), Bryan (UN), Bulloch (AH1), Burke (By31, UN, Wi34), Butts (MD4), Calhoun (UG), Camden (UG), Charlton (Br14, OO), Chatham (GB), Cherokee (GB2), Clarke (UG), Clinch (GB, UG), Colquitt (GB), Crisp (GB2), Decatur (UG, UN), DeKalb (UG), Dooly (UG, UN), Dougherty (GB2), Early (SK4, UG), Echols (WMC), Effingham (UN), Emanuel (GB4), Evans (UN), Floyd (GB), Fulton (UG), Glynn (By31, UG), Henry (UG), Houston (SD), Irwin (GBi, RB), Jackson (UN), Jefferson (UG), Jeff Davis (MD4), Johnson (SD), Lanier (UG, UN), Laurens (By31), Lee (Ro24), Liberty (UG), Long (GB), Lowndes (UN), McIntosh (GB, UG), Miller (GB), Montgomery (GB2), Murray (GB2), Paulding (GB2), Peach (UG), Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Sumter (RB, UG), Taliaferro (JF4), Tattnall (GB1), Terrell (UG), Thomas (UN), Twiggs (GB3), Walker (GDS3, SG3), Ware (RB), Wayne (OO), White (KT), Wilcox (GB2).

Fairly common statewide at ponds, forest pools, and slow streams. [Apr 8 - Sep 19].

Miathyria marcella (Selys in Sagra, 1857). Hyacinth Glider. State: NW&M (2000*), Donnelly (2004b).

Camden (GB), Chatham (GB), Crisp (GB2), Lanier (FSCA, GB4), Laurens (GB), Lowndes (MD4), Seminole (GB), Sumter (GB2).

Uncommon in the coastal plain, but can be locally abundant; at lakes and ponds with water hyacinth or swarming nearby. [Apr 21 - Nov 5].

Nannothemis bella (Uhler, 1857). Elfin Skimmer. State: Hagen (1863*, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893), Ris (1911), Muttkowski (1910), N&H(1929), Byers (1930). N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Bulloch (UN), Columbia (FSCA), Richmond (SD, UN), Talbot / Marion (SD), Taylor (SD, GB4, MD4), Taylor / Schley (SD).

Rare and local in bogs and marshes in the coastal plain, so far mostly near the fall line. [Mar 5 - May 17].

Orthemis ferruginea (Fabricius, 1775). Roseate Skimmer. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB), Atkinson (MD4), Baker (GB1, GB2), Berrien (GB), Bryan (DS), Bulloch (AH1), Charlton (PA), Chatham (FSCA, GBi97*), Cobb (GB), Colquitt (GB), Crisp (GB2, GB4), Dougherty (SK), Early (GB4, SK4), Floyd (MD3), Glynn (GB), Jeff Davis (MD4), Laurens (GB), McIntosh (GB), Meriwether (MD3), Miller (GB), Montgomery (MD4), Muscogee (GB), Peach (GB), Seminole (GB2), Stewart (GB), Sumter (RB), Tattnall (GB1, GB3), Tift (MD4), Wilcox (GB2).

Common in the coastal plain, rare above but expanding slowly; at marshes, ponds, and a few at lakes. [May 17 - Dec 7].

Pachydiplax longipennis (Burmeister, 1839). Blue Dasher. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1911), N& WMC(1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB), Atkinson (RB, WMC), Baker (MV3, UG, UN), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (GB, UG), Ben Hill (WMC), Berrien (GB), Bibb (GB, UG), Brantley (BB, UG), Brooks (UG), Bryan (GB, UN), Bulloch (AH2, UN), Burke (By31, Wi34), Butts (MD4), Calhoun (MV3), Camden (UG), Catoosa (GB), Charlton (Br14, GB4, OO, PA, UG, UN), Chatham (GB, H, UG, WMC), Chattahoochee (UG), Chattooga (GB, GB2), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB2), Clayton (GB), Clinch (SD, UG, WMC), Cobb (GB), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (GB), Cook (UG, UN), Coweta (GB), Crawford (UG), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GB2), Dawson (GB), Decatur (UG, UN), DeKalb (UG, UN), Dodge (GB1), Dooly (By31, UN), Dougherty (GB2), Douglas (GB), Early (GB2, SK4, UG, UN), Echols (WMC), Effingham (GB2, UN), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (GB1), Evans (GB), Fannin (JB3), Floyd (GB, UG), Forsyth (GB, JF), Franklin (GB, WMC), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (By31, GB, UG, UN, WMC), Gordon (MD4), Grady (UG), Gwinnett (By31), Habersham (UN), Hall (MW9), Haralson (GB2), Harris (GB1), Heard (GB2), Henry (UG, UN), Houston (UG), Irwin (GB3, RB), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Jenkins (JF), Johnson (SD), Jones (WMC), Lamar (GB), Lanier (UG, UN), Laurens (GB, PA), Lee (Ro24, RB, RB3, UG), Liberty (GB, UG, UN), Long (GB), Lowndes (MD4, UG, UN, WMC), Lumpkin (SD), Macon (GB, GB2), McDuffie (JF4), McIntosh (GB, MV3, UG), Meriwether (GB1), Miller (GB), Mitchell (UG), Montgomery (GB1), Morgan (MV3), Murray (UN), Newton (MV3), Paulding (GB), Pickens (GB), Pierce (SD), Polk (GB), Putnam (GB2, UG), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Seminole (GB), Stephens (UN), Stewart (GB), Sumter (RB, UG), Tattnall (WMC), Taylor (SD, RB3, UG), Telfair (MD4, WMC), Thomas (GB1, UG, UN), Tift (RB), Toombs (WMC), Treutlen (MD4), Troup (GB, UG), Turner (GB3, WMC), Twiggs (GB3), Upson (UG), Walker (SD, GDS3, GB, GB2), Walton (UG), Ware (MV3, RB, UG), Wayne (OO, UN), Wheeler (WMC), White (SD, KT), Whitfield (GB2, H), Wilcox (GB2), Wilkinson (GB3), Worth (WMC).

Very common throughout the state at puddles, marshes, ponds and lakes. [Mar 21 - Nov 11].

Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798). Wandering Glider. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Calvert (1893), Ris (1913), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Bulloch (AH1), Carroll (GB), Chattahoochee (UG), Clarke (UG), Clayton (AH2), Cobb (GB), Coffee (GB4, RB), Colquitt (GB), Dade (GB2), Dodge (MD4), Early (SK4), Floyd (GB, GB2), Fulton (UG), Glynn (UG, WMC), Lanier (MD4), Lee (Ro24), Macon (GB), McDuffie (Wi34), Miller (GB), Montgomery (MD4), Peach (GB), Rockdale (FS2), Stewart (GB), Sumter (MD4), Union (Wi34), Wilcox (GB2) .

Fairly common statewide at any still water habitat including puddles, uncommon at rivers. Often seen in parking lots, highway intersections and sports fields, especially in the fall. [Apr 22 - Dec 29].

Pantala hymenaea (Say, 1839). Spot-winged Glider. State: N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Bulloch (AH1), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB, GB3, GWQ71), Early (GB4), Floyd (MD3), Fulton (GWQ71), Irwin (RB), Lee (Ro24*), Madison (UG), McDuffie (Wi34), Taylor (SD), Union (Wi34), Walker (GDS3).

Uncommon statewide at puddles and shallow ponds, and rarely at rivers. [May 11-Oct 12].

Perithemis tenera (Say, 1839). Eastern Amberwing. Includes seminole; State: Hagen (1875) and as P. domitia, Calvert (1906), Ris (1910), Byers (1930), N&W (1955), NW&M(2000) as P. t. seminole, Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB, GB1), Baker (GB2), Baldwin (SP, UG), Bartow (GB), Ben Hill (GB2, WMC), Berrien (GB, GB3), Bibb (UG), Brooks (GB1), Bulloch (AH1, AH2), Burke (Ha63*, Ha74 as P. domitia, By31), Butts (MD4), Carroll (GB2, WMC), Catoosa (GB), Chatham (GB, UG), Chattooga (GB, GB2), Clarke (JF, UG), Clayton (GB), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB), Colquitt (GB, MD4, UG), Cook (UN), Crawford (UN), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GB2), Dawson (GB), Decatur (UG), DeKalb (UG), Dodge (GB1), Dougherty (GB2), Douglas (GB), Early (GB2, SK4), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (GB1), Fayette (KT), Floyd (GB), Forsyth (GB, JF), Franklin (UG, WMC), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB3), Glynn (GB2, UG), Gordon (GB2), Grady (UG, UN), Gwinnett (GBi, PA), Habersham (GBi, SD), Hall (MW9), Hancock (MD4), Harris (GB), Henry (UG), Houston (UG), Irwin (SD, GB3), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (GB), Johnson (SD), Jones (WMC), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB), Lee (RB, UG), Liberty (GB), Lowndes (GB, UN), Lumpkin (GB1), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (GB, MV3), Meriwether (GB1), Miller (GB), Montgomery (GB2), Morgan (UG), Paulding (GB), Peach (GB), Pickens (GB), Pierce (JF4), Polk (GB), Putnam (UG), Rabun (GBi), Richmond (UN), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Seminole (GB), Stephens (GB2), Sumter (RB, UG), Talbot / Upson (GB2), Taliaferro (GB2), Tattnall (UN), Telfair (MD4), Thomas (UG), Tift (GB3, UG), Toombs (GB1), Treutlen (MD4), Troup (GB), Twiggs (GB3), Walker (GDS3, GB2), Ware (MV3), Washington (MD4), Wayne (By31), Whitfield (GB2), Wilcox (GB2).

Common across the state at marshes, ponds, and lakes, and along slower stretches of large streams and rivers. [Apr 6 - Nov 3].

Plathemis lydia (Drury, 1770). Common Whitetail. (Libellula of some authors). State: Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875) and Ris (1910) also as Libellula  trimaculata, N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB), Baker (UG), Baldwin (SP), Banks (GB1), Bartow (GB2, UN), Berrien (GB), Bibb (GB), Bulloch (AH2), Butts (MD3), Calhoun (MV3), Camden (UG), Carroll (UG), Catoosa (GB, UN), Charlton (UG), Chatham (Bu39* as L. trimaculata, Ca98), Chattooga (GB), Cherokee (GB), Clarke (UG), Clay (GB2), Clayton (GB), Clinch (UG), Cobb (GB),Colquitt (GB, MV3), Cook (MV3, UG), Coweta (UG), Crawford (UG), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GDS3, GB2, UG), Dawson (GB, WMC, MW9), Decatur (GBi), DeKalb (UG), Dooly (GB2), Early (GB4, SK4), Echols (WMC), Effingham (UG), Elbert (GB), Emanuel (MD4), Fannin (JB3), Fayette (KT),  Floyd (By31, GB), Forsyth (JF, RT), Franklin (WMC), Fulton (UG), Gilmer (GB3, WMC), Glynn (UG), Gordon (SD), Grady (UG), Greene (GB), Gwinnett (By31, JF, UG), Habersham (SD, UG), Hall (MD3), Haralson (GB2), Harris (GB, MV3), Houston (UG), Jasper (GB), Jeff Davis (UG), Jefferson (UG), Jones (MV3, WMC),  Lamar (GB, UG), Lanier (UG), Laurens (By31, GB), Lee (Ro24, RB, UG), Liberty (UG), Long (WMC), Lowndes (UG), Lumpkin (SD, UG), Macon (GB), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (MV3, UG), Meriwether (MV3, UG), Miller (GB), Mitchell (UG), Monroe (UG), Montgomery (MD4), Morgan (MV3), Murray (SD, SR, WMC), Newton (MV3), Oconee (UG), Paulding (GB), Peach (GB), Pickens (GB), Pierce (SD), Pike (UG), Polk (GB), Pulaski (WMC), Putnam (GB2, UG), Rabun (GBi, UN), Richmond (UG, UN), Rockdale (FS2),  Stephens (UG), Stewart (GB), Sumter (RB, UG), Talbot (GB1), Taliaferro (GB2, UG), Tattnall (WMC), Taylor (SD, UG), Thomas (UG), Tift (GBi, UG), Toombs (WMC), Troup (UG), Twiggs (GB3), Union (SD), Upson (SD), Walker (GDS3, GB2, SR), Walton (UG), White (SD), Whitfield (MD4), Wilcox (GB2), Worth (UG),

Abundant and conspicuous statewide at any standing water, found uncommonly at slow streams. [Mar 17 - Nov 3].

Sympetrum ambiguum (Rambur, 1842). Blue-faced Meadowhawk. State: Selys & Hagen (1850*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875) and Banks (1892) as Diplax albifrons, Muttkowski (1910), Ris (1911). N&H (1929), Montgomery (1945), N&W (1955), Carle (1993), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Barrow (UG), Burke (GB2, Wi34; Ta67), Carroll (GB3), Chattooga (UG), Clarke (Ta67, UN), Cobb (GB), DeKalb (UG), Dougherty (UG), Floyd (GB2, MD3), Forsyth (JF), Franklin (UG), Fulton (UG), Gordon (GB2), Gwinnett (PA), Laurens (GB4), Lee (Ro24, Ta67), Lowndes (Ta67), Meriwether (SD), Monroe (GB4), Paulding (GB), Rockdale (FS2, GB), Toombs (UG), Wheeler (SD). Rambur Type from Georgia.

Fairly common above the fall line, and uncommon in the northern section of the coastal plain, at marshes and ponds. [Apr 24 - Nov 14].

Sympetrum corruptum (Hagen, 1861). (Tarnetrum of some authors). Variegated Meadowhawk. State: Ris (1911*), Tai (1967), Carle (1993), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Clarke (UG), Glynn (WMC).

This species is common in the western United States but rare in Georgia as well as in other eastern states. [No date information]

Sympetrum rubicundulum (Say, 1839). Ruby Meadowhawk. State: Carle (1993), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Rabun (SD83*), Towns (KT), Union (SD), White (D8)

Rare in the extreme northern part of the state at marshes and ponds.  It is known only from four records. [Jun 7 - Aug 29].

Sympetrum semicinctum (Say, 1839). Band-winged Meadowhawk. State: NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Towns (GBi90*, KT), Walker (GDS3).

Rare in the extreme northern part of the state in shallow flowing marshy areas.  It is known only from two records. [May 24 - Aug 7].

Sympetrum vicinum (Hagen, 1861). Autumn Meadowhawk. State: Ris (1911*), N&W (1955), Carle (1993), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baldwin (SP), Burke (Wi34), Carroll (GB), Catoosa (GB2), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB2), DeKalb (UG), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (GB2), Greene (GB), Heard (GB2), Lumpkin (SD), Murray (GB3), Oconee (UG), Paulding (GB2), Rabun (SD, GB3), Troup (JF4), Union (SD), Walker (MD3), Washington (SD), White (UG).

Fairly common but scattered at marshes and ponds above the fall line, rare just below the fall line. [Jun 7 - Nov 28].

Tramea carolina (Linnaeus, 1763). Carolina Saddlebags. State: Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Ris (1913), Cuyler (1989b), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Appling (GB4, UG), Atkinson (MD4), Baker (GB1, MV3, UG), Baldwin (SP), Bartow (UG), Brantley (BB), Bryan (GB1, UN), Bulloch (AH1, AH3), Burke (MD4), Calhoun (MV3), Charlton (OO, PA, UG, UN), Chatham (GB, UG), Chattooga (GB2), Clinch (UG, WMC), Coffee (GB3, UG), Cook (UG, UN), Crawford (UG, UN), Crisp (GB2), Dade (GDS3, GB2), Decatur (UN), DeKalb (GB, UG), Effingham (UN), Emanuel (KT), Fannin (GB3), Floyd (GB), Forsyth (GB), Fulton (HS4), Glynn (By31, GB, UG), Gwinnett (GB, PA), Hancock (MD4), Harris (MV3), Houston (SD), Irwin (SD), Jasper (GB2), Jeff Davis (UG), Johnson (UG), Lanier (GB3, UG, UN), Laurens (GB), Lee (Ro24, RB, RB3), Liberty (UG), Long (GB4, WMC), Lowndes (UG, UN, WMC), McIntosh (MV3), Meriwether (MV3), Mitchell (UG, UN), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Newton (MV3), Pierce (SD), Putnam (GB2), Richmond (UN), Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Talbot (GB1), Tattnall (GB1, WMC), Taylor (SD, UG), Tift (UG), Toombs (WMC), Walker (GB2), Ware (MV3, UG, UN), Wayne (By31, OO), Wheeler (WMC), White (SD), Whitfield (GB2).

Common statewide at marshes, ponds and lakes or as coastal migrants. [Mar 11-Dec 7].

Tramea lacerata Hagen, 1861. Black Saddlebags. State: N&W (1955*), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b).

Baker (MV3), Baldwin (SP), Berrien (GB), Bulloch (AH1, A3), Carroll (GB2), Catoosa (GB), Chattooga (GB2), Clarke (UG), Cobb (GB), Coffee (RB), Colquitt (MD4), Crisp (GBi), Dade (GB2), DeKalb (UN), Early (GB2, UG), Floyd (GB), Franklin (WMC), Glynn (WMC), Greene (GB), Jasper (GB2), Lamar (GB), Laurens (GB), Lee (RB), Lumpkin (GB1), Macon (GB), McDuffie (Wi34), McIntosh (GB4, MV3), Miller (GB), Monroe (MV3), Morgan (MV3), Newton (MV3), Paulding (GB1), Peach (GB), Polk (GB), Putnam (GB2), Rabun (GBi),  Rockdale (FS2), Seminole (GB), Sumter (RB), Tift (MD4), Walker (GDS3).

Common to fairly common statewide at marshes, ponds and lakes or as coastal migrants. [Mar-24 - Nov 15].

Tramea onusta Hagen, 1861. Red Saddlebags. State: Ris (1916), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), Donnelly (2004b). 

Charlton (Br14, UN)

There are 8 specimens at NMNH that could not be located for verification. The counties listed are: Appling, Fulton, Jeff Davis & Sumter. Rare vagrant south of the mountains, known only from few records at marshes, ponds, or lakes. [No date information]

Doubtful Records and Synonyms

Previously published Georgia records of the following are removed because of one or more of the following reasons: misidentification, synonymy, indefinite locality, no recent collections, vagrants, and/or out of known range.

Calopteryx apicale Burmeister 1839. It was listed for Burke County (Williamson 1934) and Charlton County (Bradley 1914). Hagen (1889) speculated on its synonymy, and Johnson (1973b) concluded that it as a synonym of C. dimidiata.

Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1776). It was listed for the state by Hagen (1875), who mentioned “a male in the Zurich Museum labeled Georgia, Abbot, probably erroneous.” Hagen (1889) “could not find specimen collected by Abbot from Georgia in the Escher Zollikofer coll.”  Kirby (1890) said that it was a female C. angustipennis.  C. splendens is a European species highly unlikely to be found in Georgia.

Calopteryx tricolor Burmeister, 1839 ( = Hetaerina tricolor). It was listed for the state by Selys (1853*, 1854a), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1893, 1906).  It was listed for Charlton County by Bradley, (1914; as H. tricolor). Byers (1930) lists it as a synonym of  Hetaerina titia. We consider it a synonym of H. titia.

Calopteryx virginica Selys 1853. It was listed for the state by Hagen (1861*, 1863). Hagen (1874) stated that it is a synonym of C. aequabilis. This was probably C. dimidiata, since the nearest records for aequabilis are Ohio and Pennsylvania (Westfall & May (2000)).

Hetaerina limbata Selys 1853. This was listed for the state by Muttowski (1910). Byers (1930) considered H. limbata a subspecies of H. titia. Garrison (1990) referred to it as a “race”. It is here considered synonymous with H. titia.

Hetaerina septentrionalis Selys, 1853. It was listed for the state by Selys (1853*, 1854a), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), (1892) and Muttkowski (1910). Kirby (1890) synonymized it with H. titia.

Sylphus elegans Hagen in Selys 1853. (= Calopteryx elegans). It was listed for the state by Selys (1854a*, 1859, 1879a). Selys (1879a) further states that the female type specimen is probably a synonym of Calopteryx angustipennis.

Lestes forcipatus Rambur, 1842. It was listed for the state by Selys (1862*), Hagen (1863), Banks (1892), Muttkowski (1910). N&H (1929), Byers (1931). Bryan (UN), and Glynn (UN), and for Lee County (Root 1924). T.W. Donnelly examined the 2 NMNH specimens and found them to be L. australis (pers. comm.) He said he would not "trust" the Root record from Lee County. He further stated, “Lee County is in southwest Georgia. I would expect that this was L. australis also.”  Montgomery (1941) discussed confusion between forcipatus and disjunctus in Indiana. Walker (1952) said that the earlier records should be Lestes d. australis. W&M (1996) listed it as “GA?” based on the senior author’s preliminary list. It has been found near northern Georgia (see also under expected species); but until a valid record is found, it is removed.

Lestes hamatus Hagen, 1861.  It was listed for the state by Hagen (1874). This is a synonym of Lestes forcipatus. See discussion under that species.

Lestes uncatus Kirby 1890  (= Lestes dryas Kirby 1890). It was listed for the state by Calvert (1893). Cowley (1935) designated L. dryas as the senior name to L. uncatus. L. dryas is listed in W&M (1996) as “GA?” based on preliminary data provided by the senior author. It is now designated as doubtful.

Agrion fontium Hagen, 1861. It was listed for the state by Hagen (1863*). Hagen (1874) synonymized it with Argia tibialis.

Aeshna abboti Hagen 1874. It was listed for the state by Hagen (1874*). Hagen (1875) synonymized it with Corpyaeshna ingens.

Aeshna quadriguttata Burmeister, 1839. It was listed for the state by Hagen (1863*, 1874). Hagen (1875) synonymized it with Boyeria vinosa.

Aeshna virens Rambur 1842 (= Coryphaeshna viriditas) Calvert, 1952.  It was listed for the state by Hagen (1874, 1875), Banks 1892, Calvert (1903b, 1906), Kirby (1890), Martin (1908), Muttkowski (1910), and N&H (1929). Hagen (1874) implies that this record is unverified, but states, “their occurrence in Georgia would not be exceptional.” Hagen (1875) doubts the earlier records. Needham & Heywood (1929) echoed the original record and list it as “Georgia?” It may have been a vagrant, but since there are no records within the last century, we remove it.

Anax concolor Brauer 1865. This is listed in Muttkowski (1910) explicitly for “Ga.”.  Muttkowski also lists longipes as “Mass. & Ohio to Fla.”, strongly implying that both taxa occur in Georgia.  This citation is mysterious; Martin (1908) considered concolor only a race of longipes, whereas Muttkowski, written immediately afterwards, elevated it to a species without explanation.  Modern workers consider that North American citations of concolor refer to longipes, possibly in a spotted juvenile coloration.  NW&M (2000) considers it to be either a subspecies or synonym of Anax longipes. The status of true tropical concolor is contentious. Garrison (1991-2004) considers it a separate species, but the concolor form is tropical.  We consider that Georgia records of concolor should be attributed to longipes.

Cordulegaster diastatops (Selys 1854). This was listed for the state by N&W (1955). When Carle (1983) described C. bilineata, he placed all of the Georgia records into that species. According to Donnelly (2004a), the nearest records of diastatops are from the highlands of West Virginia.

Gomphus pilipes Hagen in Selys 1858. This was listed for the state Selys (1858*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875). This has been synonymized with Arigomphus pallidus (Muttkowski, 1910).

Gomphus (Gomphurus) crassus Hagen in Selys, 1878. This was listed for the state by Louton (1982) and NW&M (2000). Louton (1982) shows a dot in northwestern Georgia, but there is no reference to it in his text. This may have been an error. Donnelly (2004a) does not show it in Georgia. Even though it is likely to occur in Georgia (see “Expected Species”), it is removed from the list until a voucher specimen is secured.

Gomphus septima Westfall 1956. This was listed for the state by NW&M (2000). The source of the NW&M data is uncertain. The senior author edited the distribution list in that publication and it was not included on this list. Bick (2003) indicated that it was an error. It may occur in Georgia, but no voucher specimen could be located. See also under “Expected Species.”

Progomphus borealis McLachlan in Selys, 1873. This was listed for the state by Hagen (1874, 1875). Selys (1878a) states that this record is that of P. obscurus.

Cordulia lateralis Burmeister, 1839.  This was listed for the state by Hagen (1863*, 1874). Hagen (1875) synonymized it with Epitheca cynosura.

Epitheca calverti Muttkowski 1915. Muttkowski (1915) described it from a specimen collected at Thomasville, Georgia. According to Davis (1933), the specimen was destroyed, but he thought it was E. semiaquea.

Epitheca spinigera (Selys, 1871). This was listed for the state by Selys (1874*), Banks (1892), Martin (1906), Muttkowski (1910), and N&H (1929). The source of the original record is unclear, but according to Donnelly (2004b), the nearest records are southern Illinois, northern Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. It is removed from the list.

Somatochlora semicircularis (Selys 1871). Martin (1906) listed it for the state, but subsequently there have been no references to this record, which was probably an error.

Celithemis leonora Westfall, 1952. This was listed for the state by N&W (1955*), NW&M (2000), and Donnelly (2004b). It is removed due to synonymy with C. bertha (Garrison 1991, 2004).

Diplax albrifrons Charpentier, 1840. This was listed for the state by Selys & Hagen (1850*), Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875) and Banks (1892). Ris (1911) synonymized it with Sympetrum ambiguum.

Erythemis haematogastra (Burmeister 1839). This was listed for the state by Hagen (1861*, 1863,1874). Hagen (1874) quotes a communication from Abbot: “. . . saw a male in the coll of Mr. Escher Zollikofer in the Zurich Museum.” Hagen (1875) stated: “one male by Abbot; locality still doubtful.” Kirby (1890), Muttkowski (1910) and Ris (1910), repeated Hagen’s statement. Kennedy (1923) stated in a footnote that Williamson, in a personal communication, doubts the Georgia record. NW&M (2000) mentioned the original Hagen record and stated “it has not been reported subsequently from the state of Georgia.” The species ranges from Cuba, Jamaica, and Mexico south to Paraguay. We remove it from the list.

Erythrodiplax umbrata (Linnaeus, 1758). Band-winged Dragonet. This was listed for the state by Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1868, 1875), Banks (1892), Calvert (1906), Muttkowski (1910), Ris (1911), N&H (1929), Byers (1930), Borror (1942), N&W (1955), NW&M (2000), and Donnelly (2004b). All of these refer to one male of unknown locality recorded by Abbot in the early 19th century. Dunkle (1989) reports no records north of Highlands County in Florida.

Ladona exusta (Say 1839).  This was listed for the state by Calvert (1893*), Ris (1910), N&W (1955). Prior to Bennefield (1965) coloration was the primary means of identifying the species of Ladona, thus some misidentifications probably occurred. This species is northern in range (see range maps of Bennefield, 1965; Dunkle (2000), and Donnelly (2004b)) A Georgia record would be unlikely. This record probably refers to L. deplanata.

Libellula bifasciata Fabricius 1772. This was mistakenly synonymized with Libellula pulchella by Calvert (1898). According to NW&M (2000) it is really a synonym of L . semifasciata. Garrison (1991-2004) also comments about this.

Libellula camilla Rambur 1842. This was synonymized with Celithemis eponina (Hagen, 1861).

Libellula jesseana Williamson 1922. Westfall (1943) reports specimens at Emory University Collection. The senior author after many emails and phone calls could not locate them. There were no more references to these specimens even by Needham & Westfall (1955). There is a likelihood that L. jesseana is in Georgia (see expected species), but until a voucher specimen is found it is removed from the list.

Libellula plumbea Uhler, 1857. This was listed for the state by Hagen (1863*, 1874) and Banks (1892). Byers (1930) listed it as a synonym of Libellula flavida.

Libellula trimaculata DeGeer, 1773. This was listed for the state by Hagen (1861, 1863, 1874, 1875), and Ris (1910), and for Chatham County (Burmeister 1939*). Byers (1930) listed it as a synonym of Plathemis lydia.

Nannophya maculosa Hagen, 1861 (= Erythrodiplax maculosa). This was listed for the state by Hagen (1861*, 1863, 1874, 1875), Brauer (1868), Karsch (1889), Kirby (1890), Banks (1892) as Nannothemis maculosa, and by Muttkowski (1910), Ris (1911). This is a South American species. It resembles Nannothemis bella, which is probably what the Georgia specimen was. Borror (1942) states, “The source locality ‘Georgia’ given by Hagen et al. is incorrect.”

Perithemis domitia Drury 1773 and P. seminole Calvert, 1907. These taxa are discussed together since along with P. tenera; their names have been used interchangeably since their introduction. This was listed for the state by Hagen (1875), and for Burke County (Hagen 1863*, 1874). Prior to Calvert’s (1906) description of P. domitia seminole, many of the Perithemis records from Georgia were named P. domitia. Ris (1911) raised P. seminole to specific rank. Byers (1930) could not find any difference between the larva of P. domitia and that of P. seminole. N&W (1955) listed P. seminole and P. tenera as distinct, but commented that no difference could be found between the larvae (based on reared specimens). NW&M (2000) listed it as a subspecies of P. tenera. We incorporate all of these references into P. tenera.

Expected Species:

This category is presented here to assist future researchers with locating new records. These species have a reasonable probability of occurring in Georgia, based on verified records from Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Tennessee, within 100 miles of the Georgia border. Some of the species on this list are also included in the doubtful records list, due to lack of a verified record.

Lestes congener Hagen 1861. Spotted Spreadwing. Tennessen, Harper & Krotzer (1995) report it from Madison County in north central Alabama, and Marion and Tuscaloosa counties in west central Alabama. They also report that the habitat is usually small ponds, especially those formed from surface mining. Donnelly (2004c) shows dots in northeastern Alabama, as well as eastern Tennessee. All of these records are on the western side of the mountain divide. The dates in Alabama ranged from May 10-Nov 6. We expect it could be found in extreme northwestern Georgia.

Lestes forcipatus Rambur 1842. Sweetflag Spreadwing. This species is discussed under “Doubtful Records”. Currently there are no valid records from Georgia. Bick (1983a) reported a specimen in the FSCA from Madison County, Alabama, which is about 60 miles west of Northwest Georgia. Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995) listed it also from Madison, coll. Aug 24. Byers (1931) reported it from Macon, North Carolina. Walker (1952) reported it from Nashville and Cumberland Counties Tennessee. Look for it across northern Georgia since the southern border of its range according to Donnelly (2003c) extends along an east-west plane just north of the Georgia border into North Carolina.

Enallagma sulcatum Williamson 1922. Golden Bluet. Bick (1983a) reported a specimen in the FSCA from Covington County, Alabama. This is about 90 miles west of southwest Georgia. Dunkle (1989) reported it from Florida to Mississippi. Dunkle (1992) listed scattered records from Leon to Clay Counties in northern Florida. Williamson (1922a), reported it also from South Carolina. Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995) reported the habitat as sand-bottomed lakes and ponds with emergent vegetation along the edges with a flight season of June 1 to August 31. If one can find the right habitat in southern Georgia, E. sulcatum could be there.

Nehalennia irene (Hagen, 1861). Sedge Sprite. White, Tennessen, Fox & Carlson (1983) reported it from Greenville and Pickens Counties in northwestern South Carolina. These records are a few hundred miles south of the contiguous range of this species but it may occur in northeastern Georgia.

Aeshna constricta Say 1839. Lance-tipped Darner. Brimley (1908) reported it from Highlands, North Carolina, which is less than 10 miles from the northeast corner of Georgia. This location is about 100 miles south of the contiguous range of this species but it could occur in extreme northern Georgia.

Aeshna tuberculifera Walker 1908. Black-tipped Darner. Another common northeastern species with two western North Carolina records displayed by (Donnelly (2004a). This one and the next one might turn up in extreme northern Georgia.

Aeshna verticalis Hagen 1861. Green-striped Darner. Like the previous one, this common northern species has two western North Carolina records (Donnelly, 2004a).

Arigomphus submedianius (Williamson, 1914). Jade Clubtail. Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995) listed it from Jackson Co AL, coll. July 7. This county is adjacent to the northwest corner of Georgia. This species has a central United States range, but might show up in northwest Georgia.

Gomphus (Gomphurus) fraternus (Say, 1839). Midland Clubtail. Donnelly (2004a) displayed dot-map records across southern Tennessee just north of Alabama and also in south central North Carolina. It may show up in northern Georgia.

Gomphus (Gomphurus) crassus Hagen in Selys, 1878. Handsome Clubtail. Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995) listed it from Jackson County, Alabama, about 30 miles from northwest Georgia. Tennessen & Louton (1984) listed it from Bedford County and Coffee Counties, Tennessee, locations that are about 50 miles from the northwest tip of Georgia. Specimens were collected between early May and early July. There is a likelihood of it occurring in northwestern Georgia.

Gomphus (Gomphurus) septima Westfall, 1956. Septima’s Clubtail. Bick (1983b) reported it from Bibb and Tuscaloosa Counties in Alabama, and Chatham County, North Carolina. In 2003 he reported it from a number of localities across North Carolina. Krotzer (2003) reported a collection date of May 5, so it probably has a mid-spring flight season. Donnelly (2004a) displayed its known records, which would indicate that there is a gap in its distribution that runs just above the fall line through Georgia. Its habitat is medium to large rocky rivers.

Gomphus (Gomphus) cavillaris Needham 1902. Sandhill Clubtail. Dunkle (1989, 1992) summarized its distribution, which includes records across the northern part of Florida. Donnelly (2004a) displayed its records which include extreme southern Alabama, all of northern Florida with a number of records just south of the Georgia border and a few in southeastern North Carolina. According to Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995), it has been collected in clean sand-bottomed lakes.

Gomphus (Gomphus) descriptus Banks 1896. Harpoon Clubtail. There are two western North Carolina records , which are the southernmost for this species. It could possibly be found in extreme northern Georgia.

Gomphus (Gomphus) hodgesi Needham 1950. Hodges’ Clubtail. Donnelly (2004a) showed its range based on collections from southeast Louisiana eastward through the panhandle of Florida to just east of the Tallahassee area. Look for it in extreme southwest Georgia in clean sandy streams.

Gomphus (Gomphus) sandrius Tennessen 1983. Tennessee Clubtail. Tennessen (1983) reported it from Shelbyville, Bedford Co, Tennessee, which is about 50 miles northwest of Georgia. The habitat is a shallow bedrock stream about 25 meters wide.

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) abbreviatus Hagen in Selys 1878. Spine-crowned Clubtail. Montgomery (1940) reported it from Oconee County, South Carolina at Clemson, April 17-28. This is very near the northeast border of Georgia.

Gomphus (Hylogomphus) viridifrons Hine (1901). Green-faced Clubtail. Louton (1982) reported it from Tennessee just about 50 miles north of the Georgia border along the eastern border of TN. Tennessen, Harper and Krotzer (1995) found it south of Birmingham, Alabama between April 24 and May 2. According to Donnelly (2004a) all of these records are on the west slope of the Appalachian ridge; look for it in extreme northwestern Georgia.

Ophiogomphus aspersus Morse 1895. Brook Snaketail. Donnelly (2004a) showed its southernmost record in southwest North Carolina. It could turn up in northern Georgia.

Ophiogomphus howei Bromley 1924. Pygmy Snaketail. Tennessen (1993a) discussed a record from Monroe County, Tennessee, Tellico River, which is about 25 miles north of the northwestern Georgia border. He also reported it from Sparta in northern NC on the east side of mountains. These are the southernmost records according to Donnelly (2004a), but it could extend across the border in north Georgia.

Ophiogomphus incurvatus alleghaniensis Carle 1982. Alleghany Snaketail. Carle (1982) reported it from Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Blount County, Tennessee. Based on Donnelly (2004a) dot map data, it could occur on the west slope of the mountains in northwest Georgia.

Progomphus alachuensis Byers 1940. Tawny Sanddragon. Dunkle (1989, 1992) summarized its distribution in Florida with the nearest record being from Baker County, which is adjacent to the southeast border of Georgia. The senior author has collected it in Florida on sand-bottom lakes with emergent vegetation along the shoreline.

Progomphus bellei Knopf & Tennessen 1980. Belle’s Sanddragon. Bick (1983b and 2003) summarized its distribution in the panhandle and Tallahassee area of Florida. One record is within 10 miles of the southwestern border of Georgia. In Florida the senior author found it in small sandy streams as well as sandy lakes and ponds.

Stylurus potulentus (Needham, 1942). Yellow-sided Clubtail. Donnelly (2004a) showed the dot map records extending along the coast from southwestern Mississippi to just west of Tallahassee Florida. It could occur in extreme southwestern Georgia. The senior author found it in shallow, medium sized, sand bottomed, tannic stained streams with lots of overhanging vegetation along the shoreline.

Stylurus townesi (Gloyd, 1936). Townes’ Clubtail. Donnelly (2004a) summarized its distribution in dot map fashion with records in North Carolina, South Carolina, the western panhandle of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. Gloyd (1936), Montgomery (1940) and Bick (2003) reported the South Carolina record from Greenville on August 22. The senior author collected it at the same locality described above for S. potulentus in southeast Mississippi in late July. If one could find suitable habitat below the fall line, then both these species might be found.

Didymops floridensis Davis, 1921. Florida Cruiser. Dunkle (1989, 1992) and Donnelly (2004b) summarized its distribution across northern and central Florida, with some records less than 25 miles from the southern Georgia border. According to Dunkle (1989) the usual habitat is sand-bottomed lakes margined with maiden cane and often bald cypress.

Macromia illinoiensis illinoiensis Walsh 1895. Illinois River Cruiser. Although the dot map (Donnelly, 2004b) appears to show it in northern Georgia, the raw data provided by Donnelly (pers. comm.) do not show any records within Georgia, but it has been collected very close to the northwestern Georgia border. Some workers do not delineate the two subspecies of M. illinoiensis. It may have been collected in Georgia already but not differentiated.

Neurocordulia yamaskanensis (Provancher, 1875). Stygian Shadowdragon. Although the range of this species only extends to about 100 miles to the north and west of the northern Georgia border (Donnelly 2004b), there is a remote possibility of it occurring in northern Georgia. Tennessen et al (1995) stated it inhabits large rivers and reservoirs.

Somatochlora calverti Williamson & Gloyd, 1933. Calvert’s Emerald. Donnelly (2004b) showed it in scattered locations in Florida, especially in the Tallahassee area just south of southwest Georgia, plus a single collection site in the Aiken South Carolina area near the Georgia border at Augusta. It should be in Georgia below the fall line between these two populations. Collection dates were late summer.

Somatochlora hineana Williamson 1931.  Hine’s Emerald. This rare mid-western species is listed as “Threatened or Endangered.” There is one disjunct record in northeastern Alabama (Tennessen, 1994b) in Jackson County, Robinson Spring, 6.75 mi. N of Scottsboro on July 11. It is unlikely but possible in Georgia based on this Alabama record.

Crocothemis servilia (Drury, 1770). Scarlet Skimmer. Sprandel (1996) reported this Asian species from Gadsden County, Florida, near Tallahassee, so it has spread northward since its first discovery in south Florida in the mid 1970s. This is a very aggressive competitor that can survive in less than perfect habitat.

Ladona julia (Uhler, 1857). Chalk-fronted Corporal. Mark Cantrell (pers. comm.) reported it from Jackson County, South Carolina, “only 11 miles from the Georgia border.” He stated that the specimen was verified by Michael May in 2003.

Libellula jesseana Williamson 1932. Purple Skimmer. Dunkle (1989, 1992) summarized its distribution. Washington and Clay Counties are the closest records to south-central Georgia. It inhabits sand-bottom lakes with moderate vegetation along the shores. Westfall (1943) reported specimens from Charlton and Macon counties, Georgia, at the Emory University Museum, but did not report these records again in any future publications. The specimens could not be located.

Macrodiplax balteata (Hagen, 1861). Marl Pennant. Byers (1934) reported it from St. John’s County, Florida. Sprandel (1996) reported a Gadsden County, Florida record. This species breeds in slightly brackish permanent pools along the coast (NW&M, 2000) from the Barrier Island of North Carolina along the coast all the way to Brownsville, Texas (Donnelly, 2004b). In the west it inhabits marl ponds with high salinity. This type of habitat is absent from Georgia but it could occur in the brackish areas along the Atlantic coast.

Sympetrum internum Montgomery 1943. Cherry-faced Meadowhawk. The single dot within North Carolina (Donnelly 2004b), based on raw data (pers. comm.) is from Macon County, which is just north of the northeast corner of Georgia.

Tramea calverti Muttkowski 1910. Striped Saddlebags. This Neotropical species has been found throughout the eastern United States probably as late summer vagrants (NW&M, 2000). There are single records from northeastern Florida, coastal South Carolina and north central North Carolina (Donnelly, 2004b). The South Carolina record was previously reported as Tramea cophysa by Cuyler (1968), Needham & Westfall (1955), White, Tennessen, Fox, & Carlson (1980) and NW&M (2000). It may turn up in Georgia.


Includes references from Georgia, as well as Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, and Tennessee, and general references.


Banks, N. 1892. A synopsis, catalogue, and bibliography of the neuropteroid insects in temperate North America. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 19:327-373

Benke, A. C. 1969. A method for comparing individual growth rates of aquatic insects with special reference to the Odonata. Ecology. 51 (2):328-331

Benke, A. C. 1976. Dragonfly production and prey turnover. Ecology. 57 (5):915-927

Benke, A. C. 1978. Interactions among coexisting predators- A field experiment with dragonfly larvae. Jour. Animal Ecol. 47:335-350.

Benke, A. C. and S. S. Benke. 1975. Comparative dynamics and life histories of coexisting dragonfly populations. Ecology 56:302-317

Bennefield, B. L. 1965. A taxonomic study of the genus Ladona (Odonata: Libellulidae). Univ. Kan. Sci. Bull. 45: 361-396

Bick, G. H. 1948. Dragonflies collected from Beaufort County, South Carolina during the fall of 1945. Ent. News. 59 (8):202

Bick, G. H. 1978. New state records of United States Odonata. Notulae Odonatol. 1 (2):17-19

Bick, G. H. & J. C. Bick 1983a. New records of adult Odonata from Alabama, United States, in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods. Notul Odonatol. 2 (2):19-21

Bick, G. H. 1983b. Odonata at risk in conterminous United States and Canada. Odonatologica: 12 (3):209-226

Bick, G. H. 1990. Unpublished records in Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA). ARGIA 2 (1-4):3-.

Bick, G. H. 1997. Old specimens, new records. ARGIA 9 (3): 24

Bick, G. H. 2003. At-risk Odonata of conterminous United States. Bull. Amer. Odon. 7 (3):41-56

Borror, D. J. 1942. A revision of the Libelluline genus Erythrodiplax (Odonata). Ohio St. Univ. Grad. Sch. Stud. Contr. Zool & Ent. 4: xx + 286

Bradley, C. J. 1914. Collecting insects in the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia , Jour N.Y. Ent Soc. 22:80-81

Brauer, F. 1868. Verzeichniss der jetzt bekannten Neuroptern in Sinne Linne's. Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien. 18:711-742

Boyne, R. W & B. R. Ingram. 1975. Benthic investigation of Howard Creek and major tributaries: July 1973-June1975. Report prepared for Duke Power Company, Charlotte North Carolina. iii +111

Brimley, C. S. 1903. List of dragonflies from North Carolina, especially from the vicinity of Raleigh. Ent. News.14:150-157

Brimley, C. S. 1904. North Carolina records of Odonata in 1903. Ent. News. 15:100-102

Brimley, C. S. 1906a. Notes on the Odonata and other insects of Lake Ellis, North Carolina. Ent. News. 17:81-85

Brimley, C. S. 1906b. North Carolina records of Odonata In 1904 and 1905 With Corrections of Some Previous Records. Ent. News. 17:91-92

Brimley, C. S. 1908. North Carolina records of Odonata for 1906 and 1907. Ent. News. 19:134-135

Brimley, C. S. 1918. Records of North Carolina Odonata from 1908-1917. Ent. News. 29:227-229

Brimley, C. S. 1938 A partial bibliography of North Carolina zoology. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 54 (2):337

Brimley, C. S. and F. Sherman Jr. 1903. A morning's collection at Raleigh N.C. Ent. News. 14:230-231

Burmeister, H. 1839. Handbuch der Entomologie Bd. 2 Odonata:805-862

Byers, C. F. 1927a. The nymph of Libellula incesta and a key for the separation of the known nymphs of the genus Libellula (Odonata). Ent. News. 38:113-115

Byers, C. F. 1927b. Key to the North American species of Enallagma, with a description of a new species (Odonata: Zygoptera). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 53:249-260

Byers, C. F. 1927c. Enallagma and Telagrion from Western Florida, with a description of a new species. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 20: 385-392.

Byers, C. F. 1930. A contribution to the knowledge of Florida Odonata. Univ. Florida Pub. Biol. Sci. 1: 1-327

Byers, C. F. 1931. Dixie dragonflies collected during the summer of 1930 (Odonata). Ent. News. 52: 113-119

Byers, C. F. 1934. Records of Florida dragonflies-1. Ent. News. 45: 214-216

Byers, C. F. 1937. A review of the dragonflies of the genera Neurocordulia and Platycordulia. Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 36: 1-35

Byers, C. F. 1939. A study of the dragonflies of the genus Progomphus (Gomphoides) with a description of a new species. Proc. Fla. Acad. Sci. 4: 19-85

Caldwell, B. A. 1999. Archilestes grandis (Odonata: Lestidae) from Georgia: new state record. ARGIA 11 (2): 9

Calvert, P. P. 1893. Catalogue of the Odonata of the vicinity of Philadelphia with an introduction to the study of this group of insects. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 20:152-272, 219-266

Calvert, P. P. 1898. Burmeister's types of Odonata. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 25:27-104

Calvert, P. P. 1902. Illustrations of Odonata: Argia. By Hermann A. Hagen. With a list and bibliography of the species. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 39: 103-120

Calvert, P. P. 1903a. Neuroptera-Odonata, in Insects of Beulah New Mexico edited by Henry Skinner. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 29: 42-43

Calvert, P. P. 1903b. Synopsis of three species of Coryphaeshna. Ent. News. 14:8-10

Calvert, P. P. 1904. Notes: On some rare and interesting Odonata, including Cordulegaster sayi. Ent. News. 15:288

Calvert, P. P. 1906. Neuroptera, Fam. Odonata. In: Porter, R.H. (ed.). Biologia Centrali Americana. Vol 50. Dulau & Co., London. pp. i-xxx, 17-420, pl 2-10

Calvert, P. P. 1907. The differentials of three North American species of Libellula. Ent. News. 18:201-204

Calvert, P. P. 1912. Notes: On the venation of Erythrodiplax berenice. Ent. News. 23:387

Calvert, P. P. 1913a. The species of Nehalennia including one from eastern United States hitherto undescribed. Ent.  News. 24:310-316

Calvert, P. P. 1921. Gomphus dilatatus, vastus, and a new species, lineatifrons. Trans. Ent. Soc. Amer. 47:221-232.

Calvert, P. P. 1922. Doings of societies. Ent. News  33:191

Carle, F. L.1979. Two new Gomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from eastern North America with adult keys to the subgenus Hylogomphus. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 72 (3):418-426.

Carle, F. L. 1980 A new Lanthus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from eastern North America with adult and nymphal keys to American Octogomphines. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 73 (2):172-179.

Carle, F.L. 1981 A new species of Ophiogomphus from eastern North America, with a key to the regional species (Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Odonatologica 10(4):271-278.

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